My very first Boyfriend

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Jake told Jaquelle "You know what Jaquelle I am fucking tired of you ok I am breaking up with you because you have no right to bully Alyssa ok so just fucked off we are not in a relationship at all anymore."

And then I told him "Jake don't break up with her please don't, Jaquelle is gonna come after me and do whatever she can to hurt me in any possible way" and Jake said "I won't let that happen ok Alyssa and I am breaking up with her so I can be with the girl I should have dated in Kindergarten".

And then I told him "What, wait I am the girl who should have dated in Kindergarten, I can't believe this" And then he told me "Yes, Alyssa you are the girl I should have dated.

And the reason why I should have dated you because your beautiful you shine in the sunlight, you have beautiful long blonde hair you are very nice to everyone even to bullies you tried to not get in anyone ways and that what I love about you Alyssa, I am literally in love with you Alyssa Marie Yordy".

My heart has literally just drop after listening to the nicest things anyone has ever told me, I literally just started crying because I was so happy in this moment and then the most shocking and most exciting thing happened, I got my very first kissed by Jake and it wasn't on my cheeks the kiss was on my lips which I started kissing him back.

Then we stopped because Jake grabbed my hand and led me out of the Cafeteria and took me to the bathroom and we started making out which was so freaking fun, I never done any of this until now I feel so love right now then I ever felt.

Then the bell rang me and Jake walked to English together, I just sat down and immediately after I sit down a girl tapped on my shoulder and hand me a letter and I started reading the letter and Jake asked me if (can I come over Saturday to your house) and I told him (No but I can go over to your house, what is your address Jake).

Then Jake said "2276 Brooke avenue"

Then the bell rang and I walked out of the classroom with my books and Jake ran out of the classroom with his books and he catches up with me and slide his hand into my empty hand so it's official, I officially have my very first boyfriend.

When me and Jake were walking down the hallway, people were staring and whispering and a girl asked me and Jake "So you are dating, then the rumors are true" And me and Jake look at the girl and said "Yes, we are dating but please don't ask anymore questions please because likely me and Jake might not answer you".

And then I walk away to go to Health class and my best friend Angelica was waiting for me outside the door so I run up to her and gave her a warm hug and we walk into health together and I sat in the fifth seat in the back of the room close to the window and Angelica sit next to me in the fourth seat.

Mr. Gibson was talking about sex and sex protection and I told Angelica "Not gonna happen to me I am never ever losing my virginity, I don't see the point of having sex because you can love someone without intimating with each other."

The Bell rang and I was walking out of health class to the front door of the school then I hear my name echoing across the hall so I turn around and Jake was trying to get through the crowed of kids and finally Jake got through and slide his hand in my empty hand and then told me " Alyssa I want you to go to my friends party with me.

I told him "I can't Jake, I can't go to your friends party I have to go home". Then Jake said "Come on Alyssa Let's have some fun please". Then I said "I don't know, I do want to have fun but my little sister, she expecting me to come home and she might be upset if i don't come home".

Then Jake said "Come on, she won't be upset she'll be happy that your having fun come on let's be rebellion for one night okay sweetie." Then I finally told him "Yes Fine let's go to your friends party okay". Then Jake led me to his car which was a black mustang car, I asked him "Can I have the window open please".

And he said "Yes you can have your window open sweetie ok". I decided to take a little nap, after awhile I woke up because I had a nightmare that my little sister was being attacked by my stepdad.

I screamed so loud and I was crying so Jake put his hand on my leg which calms me and then he asked me "What wrong, did you have a nightmare or something". And I answer "Yes I did Jake, but don't worry the nightmare will go away".

Lockdown At the Brookhaven Asylum An Fiction Romantic Horror StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon