The Police Arrive

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I slowly fell asleep with Lola, I was so tired but me and Lola got woken up by a loud knock on the door so I got up and walk out of Lola's bedroom and walk downstairs to the front door and open the door and I see these guys in a uniform with a badge on the uniform and they look at me and said "We are the police, the neighbors said they heard a gunshot so can we checked your house" and I told them "yes, it was me I was the one who fired the gun shot see my stepdad always mentally and physically abused me and my little sister and when I got home he was on top of her, with a knife being held against her throat and he was trying to rape her but thankfully I was there, so I shot him."

Then the police officer push me aside and walk in and see my little sister Lola on the stair looking at me and the police officers. Then they see my stepdad on the ground and they see that his head had a hole in it covered in blood and they look up and see the blood on the wall with a hole and the bullet was in it.

Then they look at me and said "You are in so much trouble, you have the gun in an unsafe environment, were your sister can pick the gun up and accidentally shot herself"

And I told them "I was gonna pick the gun up but I wanted to have Lola go to sleep but I fell asleep myself so I forgot to pick up the gun."

Then the police officers look at each other then me and they walk up to me and they hand cuffs me and I told them "What are you doing, why are you hand cuffing me".

And they told me "Because you are being charged as a murderer, for killing your stepdad with a gun".

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