Chapter 36-the house

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Biiiiitch I was reading chapter 35 and brooo I was dyinggg lmaooo

*5 months later*
Man. Being pregnant is taking a toll on my moods. I've cried, laughed, and full on yelled at Elijah. Thank god he loves me or I'm pretty sure he'd have left me by now. Logan is constantly staying at Jays, probably to keep away from my mood swings. And me and Bobby have been hanging out a lot lately, mainly because every time we hang out we are either at Starbucks or people watching at the mall. Man whatta time to be alive, am I right?

I'm currently at the store looking at cribs and such because I'm bored and Elijah was sleeping.

I picked up my phone and called Logan.

After 3 rings he picked up.

"Hello?" I say. And he doesn't answer. "Hello??" And then I hear it. Moans. Oh god! Please tell me that this isn't happening. Please tell me that my 13 year old brother is not having sex! "LOGAN NOVA!" I scream and that brought in some unwanted stares but oh fucking well.

"Uhhh, yes?" He asked.

"Pendejo. What the fuck were you doing??" I asked, and bitch when I tell you, I'm angry. I mean it.

"Oh, you heard that?"

"Yes pinche huevo, now what the fuck were you doing?"

"Did you just call me an egg?" He asks laughing.

"Stop stalling before I call you worse. What were you doing?"

"Oh, haha. Umm I was watching porn..."
Whaaaaa. Okay, at least he wasn't having sex.

"Oh okay. I thought you were having sex with Jay.."

"Bella!" He said laughing.

"What? How am I supposed to knowww" I said as I walked to the checkout thingy. I put the crib and baby clothes on the black belt thingy. Oh and by the way, we're having a girl!! Ahhh!! I know! I went with Elijah and Bobby and they were both crying like the pussys they were aha. But I am so fucking excited that it's a girl! Elijah wouldn't stop hugging me and holding me after we found out. Anyways back to this wack ass shit of buying shit for my baby.

"298.34" I took a double take. Bitch what? I bought a lot of stuff. Thank god I have money lol.

"No. Me and jay were NOT having sex. I am NOT gay, thank you very much" He said with a huff.

"Well just know that if you were I wouldn't care, I mean I would but it wouldn't change the way I think of you." I said as I slide my card in the thing to pay. Man that made me horny. Ima go home and get some DICK.

"Bella. I didn't need to know that!!"

"Oh shit! I said that out loud?" Haha oops. I grabbed my shit and said goodbye to Logan. Man being preggo made me more blunt. Thank goodness for that!

I pulled into the driveway of my house and saw Elijah's car there. Man he should just fucking move in. He's always here.

I walked in the house and saw Elijah awake. "Finally!! Baby I missed youuuu" I said as I climbed onto his lap and kissed him. "Babyyy you should move in! You're always here anyways. Might as well right?" I said with a wink. "And then you can fuck me whenever you want to."

"Mm if that happened you wouldn't be able to walk for a looong time baby." He said with a smirk. "And as for moving in, i was hoping that we could sell this place and move into a bigger home in a better neighborhood." I thought about it and it sounded like a good idea.

"And what about your apartment?" I asked.

"That could be a special place just for us.." He said with a wink. Oooohhhh well then.

"Mm alright. And by the way. I'm horny."

"Then get ready baby. Cuz you won't be able to move for a while after this" He said as he grabbed my hair and picked me up to take me to my room. Oh god this is gonna be gooood.
Okay sorry haha. I totally forgot how to write, so my personality came out in this chapter. I tried really hard not to use any more bad words. That didn't really work out lol. Hope you enjoyed and there probably won't be any more smut in this book because I'm ass at writing it. So yeah enjoy this short ass chapter :)

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