Chapter 12- ROMP?

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No ones POV

Brett paces back and forth. Now that he's between girls he needs to get Patrice. A lightbulb flashes over his head. He'll strike when it's hot. At 8th grade Romp (it's prom with the letters rearranged). And he knows exactly how.

Patrice's POV

I sit there picking at my food. I can't eat. Why does Lucy have to go out of her way just to make me miserable. Evan places a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"he asks. "No." I say shaking my head softly. "C'mon you know none of those things are true! You're not a bitch! you're the most caring person I know. You aren't a slut or a whore or a skank! sorry but you've only had 2 boyfriends and 1 of them you only kissed once! and you have a life! So what if you like to read! So what if you have 3 friends! If that's what makes you happy then that's what you deserve." he says. He puts an arm around me and I look him in the eyes. "Thank you."i say softly. I kiss his cheek.


Evans POV

My mom picks me up 1 hour early for my "doctors appointment" 😏. "Thank you so much for letting me do this!" I say. "Evan, you've never liked a girl this much did you know that?" "yes,yes I did." I say smiling. As soon as we get home I rush upstairs. I get everything out and set it all up. it takes about an hour. I go take a shower since I got sweaty and then text Patrice.

E- Come over? 7:00?

Her mom already knows so she won't say no.

P😘💋😍❤️- sure! see you then.


Patrice's POV

I put on a grey sweater with black stars, gold jeans that shimmer, and black converse high tops that are gold studded. I straighten my hair and put on a little make up. I pop in some mints, grab my phone, and yell to my mom. I start walking to his house, which doesn't take that long considering I live next door. I walk in. "Evan?!" I call out. His mom comes in. "Hi Patrice! Evans outside!" She says really excitedly. she can't stop smiling. "okay thanks!" I say. that was weird. I walk outside. it's so dark! Well not for long. "Evan?" i call out. A big sign with huge letters turns on. It reads "ROMP?" I cover my mouth with my hands. Evan comes out from behind, with flowers in hand. "Patrice will you go with me to romp?" He asks. "do you even have to ask?!!" I say smiling. I jump in his arms and he spins me around. I hear his mom taking pictures. "Okay stand by the sign you 2" she says. We stand beside it, our arms around each other. He kisses my cheek. "Perfect!" his mom says, and hands Evan his phone. he sends the photo to me and we both immediately make it our wallpaper. I put it on my Instagram and it gets 35 likes in 5 minutes. wow I guess some people care about my life. I can't stop smiling!

Brett's POV

I can't believe this! I don't even like the picture. This is going to be harder than I thought.




Disclaimer: I don't own 13 or it's characters

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