Chapter 13- Sing!

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Patrice's POV

I can hardly sleep because I'm smiling so much. Evan can't either, so that's why it's 2am and we're texting.

Evan😘😍💋❤️- Knock knock

Me- oh lord 😂 "Who's there"

Evan😘😍💋❤️- Little old lady

Me- Little old lady who?

Evan😘😍💋❤️- I didn't know you could yodel

Me- sometimes I worry about you

Evan😘😍💋❤️- why cuz I'm so fabulous *z-snap*

Me- You're scary at 2am


Me- 😑

Evan😘😍💋❤️- I have to go 😘

Me- ❤️❤️❤️

I put my phone down and sigh. I may not have many friends but I'm lucky enough to have the right ones.


(Middle of the school day)

Evans POV

Patrice and I walk to our 7th hour, which is our favorite since it's the last hour of the day and because it's Vocal music. Patrice likes to call it "Glee". I think it's adorable. It's mainly my favorite because she sings like an angel, and everyone else in our class thinks so too, and because it's Friday we get to do karaoke. I'm not to bad when it comes to singing but Patrice thinks I'm great but she has to think that.

Patrice and I almost reach the door when a big bright piece of paper is shoved in our face. "Vote me for romp queen!" lucy says. "Yeah sure whatever." I say. We walk into class and sit down. "Okay class it's karaoke Friday! I have the list for today! Lets see... Evan you're up first!" Our teacher Ms. Greenwood says. My eyes bulge out of my head. I look at Patrice. "I signed you up don't hate me." she says. I don't have time to be upset so I just get up. "Alright Evan today's theme is Broadway Show-stoppers" Ms. greenwood says. "Alright I guess I'll do Music Of The Night from Phantom" I say. the opening bars of the song play and I begin to sing:

Nighttime sharpens, heightens each sensation

Darkness wakes and stirs imagination

Silently the senses abandon their defenses

Helpless to resist the notes I write...

For I compose the music of the night

Slowly, gently, Night unfurls it's Splendor

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender

Hearing is believing, music is deceiving

Hard as lightening, soft as candlelight.

Dare you trust the music of the night?

Close your Eyes -

For your eyes will only tell the truth

And the truth isn't what you want to see

In the dark it is easy to pretend

That the truth is what it ought to be.

Softly, deftly music shall caress you

Hear it, feel it secretly possess you

Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind

In this darkness that you know you cannot fight

The darkness of the music of the night

Close your eyes -

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