Soundbooths & Vodka Pong

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Ashley's P.O.V

when 5 hit and i was completely unpacked, i got a call from a man named Andy Rolester. he told me that we should get started in the studio at 8 o'clock and to bring all of my songs with me, he also congratulated me on my new job which i thought was very nice. i was now sat on a large sofa watching a large television, i thought this was heaven.

from what i know of, Dominic has stayed in his room since he kicked me out. he was as silent as can be other than his guitar playing beautiful songs throughout the house. he really is amazing, i'll give him that. his playing is the kind of stuff that motivates me to write. so going into my notes on my phone that's what i did for a little bit.

but a little bit ended up turning into 2 hours and i had only 1 hour of down time left before i went into the studio. Dominic stopped his playing a while ago and was now extremely quiet. i hated how i kept worrying about what he was doing, but it only made sense since he's living in the same house as me right?

i got up with a major sigh and shoved my phone into my back pocket. i figured it would be a smart idea to get a small snack before going into the studio, i just didn't want to work on an empty stomach.
my feet started to drag me towards the kitchen and into the fridge, i was surprised at the variety of foods considering i moved in just not even a full day ago. i was wondering how much of this food was Dominic's, i didn't want him to get pissed off if i ate something of his he didn't want me to.

i took the risk and decided to just grab an apple considering it's something simple and there were so many of them that if one was missing it wouldn't be noticeable. shutting the fridge, and as if on cue, Dominic appeared right in front of me making me jump.

"what the fuck Dom?" i huffed and walked over to the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"That's my apple you're eating, did you ask?" he raised one of his eyebrows and smirked.

"i didn't know it was yours, sorry, i'll put it back." i stared him dead in the eyes as i raised the apple to my mouth and took a bite.
i didn't get much out of it seeing as he only chuckled and shook his head. he walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, then he walked to the opposite side of the island of me and sat down on one of the chairs.

"so i'm throwing a party tonight, i just wanted you to know that." he looked at me and took a swig of his water bottle.

"what time? also where is my invite?"

"8 o'clock and you don't get one" he smirked

i rolled my eyes, "well i'm doing some work with Andy at 8 so can you keep it down maybe? also why am i not invited? this is my house too."

"work with Andy already? good luck with all the noise going on. and you don't get invited because you just don't" he shrugged.

"alright well if i show up don't be startled, i just live here." i ignored his facial expression and looked at my phone seeing i needed to head downstairs to the studio, "see yah." i waved to Dominic and walked off. but when i reached the stairs i felt the need to say one last thing before i went.

"oh and hey Dom," he whipped his head around to face me.

"it was nice having an actual conversation with you." he just gave a nod and raised his bottle towards me before taking a sip, i smiled and then continued to go down the stairs. i liked that i called him Dom, it kind of just rolls off the tongue unlike when you say the word Dominic as a whole.

when i reached the bottom of the stairs, Andy was already waiting for me when i got down there. he had everything set up and was just waiting for me to give him the works with what to do, i showed him the song i was working on earlier today when Dom was playing. i called it 'Nightmare'.

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