Calls of Truce & Dominic's Mansion

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Ashley's P.O.V

"so you understand why this is as serious as it is, right? you're falling off Ashley, and you just got here." Fred tapped his pen on his desk in an irritated manner. the morning was crucial, full of headaches and throwing up. i don't even remember walking into the house last night. Dominic wasn't around this morning either which was strange, but Fred called me in to talk which made me overly anxious. i thought i was getting let go.

"i understand. it was stupid of me to do these things that could potentially ruin it all for me." i sighed.

Fred nodded, "and the song-" he flipped through some papers, "it wasn't supposed to be released yet but it's already gotten a million of views since just last night. for that i can't be mad but i will be discussing things with Andy to make sure he stays on top of things so he doesn't slip up like this again."

i went to speak up but he cut me off, "-and you better not slip up either. i'd hate to have to send you to a rehab center when you haven't even gotten an album finished, which is due in 3 months by the way."

"3 months?!"

"as of last night, yes. when you're first single comes out is when the time stamp begins to finish an album when it's you're first one."

"alright so i've really gotta get to work then." i stated, more to myself than him.

"and do music videos and interviews on top of it."


he nodded and flipped through a few more papers before speaking again, "we've got a few requests already, people want to know the true meaning behind your lyrics. people really like you, Ashley. and not just 'Nightmare', they like your covers on youtube and songs you haven't even professionally recorded yet."

this news shocked me, i didn't realize how important i was becoming in the eyes of others. this just made me see how careful i really need to be now.

"have you met Cody yet?" Fred began, signing a piece of paper before flipping to a different one.

"no," i started.

he looked up at me and squinted, "you were supposed to meet him last night. he calls your shots and signs off on interviews. he's your assistant manager."

i regretted going out last night, i missed important things. things that were supposed to help me further this career i've worked so hard to get.

"i'm sorry, i didn't know i was supposed to meet him. no one told me-"

"-Dominic didn't tell you?"

i slowly shook my head.

"and why didn't he?"

i sighed, "we got into an argument and i ended up leaving the house to go hang out with a few friends.." i slowly said. i didn't like seeing Fred so stern, i know he was just trying to make sure i don't fall off though.

"alright look, i'm glad you're making friends, but Dominic is living with you so you can get insight and work with an up-and-coming artist just like yourself. whatever drama you two spew up, shove it behind and work on what's really important here."

i nodded at everything he was saying, "i understand, i'm sorry Fred. it won't happen again."

he looked at the piece of paper on his desk and back at me, "if you truly care about this job and opportunity, i know it won't." he said.

i nodded, "i truly am sorry."

"thank you, apology accepted. but you need to meet Cody so i'm going to make a few calls, one of those being him. i'll have him stop over at the house, but for now you're free to go." he motioned to the door, i slowly got up, feeling relieved that i didn't end up losing this opportunity.

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