Ashton's Advice & Colson Baker

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Ashley's P.O.V

"so what are you doing out here?" Ashton yelled to me as he pulled up in his nice red car. i was still sitting on the curb thinking back on everything me and Dominic had argued about, even since i've been out here for almost an hour now he still hasn't bothered to call me.

"it's a very long story Ash." i sighed and forced my self up and over to his car. when i got in i immediately thanked him for coming to get me in such short notice.

"it's what friends are for, also i've got a lot of time and it seems you do too. how about we go and talk about it?" he said softly as he slowly took off and took a turn around the block. i had no clue where we were going, but with the kind of person Ashton seemed to be i completely trusted him.

"yeah we can talk about it, it's just Dominic is all. it sounds stupid but he's been such as asshole to me since i've been here, even when i've been the nicest to him than i've been to anyone in my entire life." i looked up from my lap and looked over to Ash, his eyebrow twitched before he began to reply.

"did this have to do with the party or this morning? because you guys seemed pretty good at the party."

"that's the thing, he's only ever nice to me at the most random times. i said one thing and he flipped out on me the worst he ever has."

"you guys sound like an old married couple."

him and i both chuckled.

"no, we're far from it. i just don't know why he hates me like that though." i sighed.

"what is it you said to him?"

"we were celebrating my song being finished and he asked me to write a song with him, i said yes and he was so cheery. so i told him that i like when he's like that because he seems like an actual person, but of course i didn't mean it in a bad way. it's just that ever since we met he's been a robot and so touchy. then he flipped out on me and i snapped on him and told him to go take some medication because i was so pissed off. i was so pissed, i really regret saying that to him Ashton." i might have over explained but Ashton didn't seem like he minded, he just kept nodding in understanding the entire time.

"i don't think Dominic wanted me to be the one to tell you this, but i think he's just been trying so hard to hide the fact that he has ADHD from you," he ran his hand through his red hair. "he never likes to take his medication because of how it makes him act and feel, which is probably one of the reasons why he's been treating you so poorly. it's not him. and i'm surprised that he feels the need to hide it, he's always been the type to speak up about mental health and illnesses."

the news shocked me and suddenly i felt a million times worse than i did before. i told him to take medication when i never even knew what was really going on inside his head, or that he actually was taking something just because he felt so ashamed of the cycle of his mind. i just wish he never felt the need to hide it from me.

"i fucked up Ash." i was now the one running a hand through my hair.

he placed a hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze, "you didn't know, Ashley. what could you have done?" he took his hand off and placed it back on the wheel.

"i just wish i never said it."

we then pulled into a driveway to a very nice house, i'm assuming it was his because who's else would it be? we got out of the car and he lead the way inside with me following behind him. "its a bit messy but don't mind that, i'm just redecorating." he said as we walked the hallway and got into a living room, the couch was in the dining room and the coffee table was on top of the kitchen table. "what are you redecorating?" i asked.

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