chapter 9

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( hey everyone kinda early for me to be writing at 3am but i wanted to let you all know that when times are tough never give up..strive to be better and do whatever you can to help someone! We all make mistakes so please learn from them never ignore and put yourself down for them learn and grow rather than suffer everyday. )

Morgan pov

It was early around 8:30 when I left kissing my 'wife' lovingly and leaving out the door getting into my car leaving for the 3 hours of driving, turning the radio on and humming to it's songs that helped distract me from everything for a bit. It was about 12:05 when I arrived at my lovers house smiling now that I'll get to see Reid. turning the radio off with the roaring car that remained silent now. popping the door open and getting out I walked up to the door striding with a grace knocking three times as my lover instructed me before hearing "Just a minute!!!" that was rushed what in the world?... After 2 more minutes he opened the door blushing and his hair a mess raising my eye brow and smiling "Spencer Whitman looking sexy as ever~" he smirked coming in as Reid moved aside blushing even deeper.

He walked towards the kitchen grabbing his perfected coffee before returning to the living room "Need me to help you with your bags honey?" he smiled genuinely "Why yes i would dear~" playfully I went out while Reid set his coffee cup down following to help me with my luggage from the trunk. Getting the trunk open I grabbed the biggest of my luggage while Reid took five bags at once before going inside again setting it in the bedroom before I went to get the last of the luggage shutting the lid before then shutting the front door going into the room where Reid was trying to figure out what to do with everything "hey honey what do you want me to do with everything? Or what to start on?" he started to bend down for the big suitcase his beautiful hair falling in his face before i saw a split of a second wince and him gritting his teeth " Let's start with the big suitcase there's only clothes like shirts, pants and underwear. " again that cute ass blush as he opened the big suitcase I brought "do you want anything hanged up?" Reid looked up and I shook my head "no thanks I prefer drawers." he nodded before taking shirts to the drawer while i took pants heading to the dresser as Reid carefully put everything in and opened the third drawer for me since pants are heavier. Reid was red in the face with my boxers all in hand as he put them in the second drawer chuckling.

pulling him close I kissed his warm but yet cold lips he melted instantly into it but i parted not wanting to do much more seeing as the kid was frozen stiff we really gotta talk about our sexual stuff before we end up having to fake sex soon...ahghh we can talk about that later right now, its Morgan and Reid time haha~

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