chapter 26

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(You know that feeling you get nostalgia? I got that big time tonight since it wasn't a normal fourth i wish to be a happy family and at grandma's but i knew it wasn't going to happen it made me a little sad but at least it was a good fun time i got to spend with my cousin's )

Reid pov

I greeted him back and told him about my injuries before everyone made their separate ways except little did i know they were going to the exact same place inside the building not their cars. Zack and me had the pleasant talks going til we were in our car and going home..actually hell hole my own personal place that was ruined when he moved in. This was the time to tell him exactly what i thought i can't go back now i worked up all my courage for this Derek too...lets do this before its too late. "Zack?.." my voice was quivering but steady "what you slut?" "im breaking up with you." looking into his eyes i was desperate and determined all at once this would go a good way not the bad one... I took a sharp breath in when Zack actually stopped the car on the side of the road and looked at me shocked before getting a look i couldn't read "you are gonna break up with me because you want that are such a disgusting fucking slut!" he grabbed my shirt and punched my ribs "you are not going to break up with me you are mine and only mine you piece of shit!!" he slapped me i groaned before he turned the car off and reclined my seat back. "You don't think you're mine now anymore dont you ill show you that you are mine Spencer Reid." he laughed choking me hard before everything was black and pain was all i felt in that car....i will never be able to get out...Derek im sorry everyone...i cant do it...

I woke up to coldness and not my home or anything... He left me out in the fucking forest with my ripped clothes from stripping me of them and oozing..oh god no, no, no..tears started filling up before i found my phone and called Derek once id gotten back to where i was, the road was the same ni cars or anything. "Hey are you okay? Where are you Spencer?" his voice wasn't helping containing everything i was feeling all at once and i cried and told him "D-derek..route 45...please co-come cold and d-dark...." i stumbled out from sobs and then 15 minutes later Derek found me in a ball my clothes a wreck and shaking badly. The look he had when he saw me like this was deep hurt and pain but anger surged "Spencer shhh its okay come here lets go back to the BAU the whole team is waiting...for us back there especially Hotch." he said as calmly and soothingly as he could. i nodded sniffling the last of what i could, standing up and going to his car.

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