chapter 17

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(Alright so time to change things up a bit everyone its a little later to bring a different pov in but i thought maybe its time to do it bring a little pazzaz in! 😆😄)

Unsub/known as Jack the hack pov

My new target os absolutely thrilling!...the small one Spencer Whitman he is fascinating! He looks like my dear dear love he may be gone but regardless he HAS to be his reincarnation its been only 10 years...but after seeing that gay couple earlier i just i knew i couldn't resist them hahaha but that stupid ass whore got in the fucking way!! If only just Spencer was mine that other guy Derek doesn't need to be in the picture anymore.


I bit my bottom lip getting excited shivering and shaking to my core~ nothing is better than the one you truly love also those friends they'll have to go too nothing will be in my way. E V E R. That hair he has and the clothes he wears are just too cute for me to comprehend either way i must keep stalking and find out every inch, nook, and cranny there is to MY Spencer Whitman. So soon my love So soon...

For 2 weeks now ive been stalking and i wanted to rip that bastard apart for taking his virginity!! You have no idea how hurt ive been! But he will pay soon enough that is. I know their routine well now but not enough time is the key and patience i must keep myself very VERY under control so i am never caught so recklessly! Those FBI people have been around with the police for a bit now i need to lie low but also high at the same time hmm how can i? Maybe i can seduce an officer? i am damn good looking if you ask me i think i will seduce an officer and if that doesnt work ill torture him with fire, then maybe cut him open little by little til he gives it up fully on everything and i mean everything to the littlest detail.  I must sleep now but more stalking and answers tomorrow goodnight jack the hack diary...

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