Challenge Number 1:

202 3 1

Joey's POV:

We headed to the old lounge we went to last year. Everything was the same. Everything. Riley is back! She is holding cards...

Riley handed us a note.

It read:

I need my necklace! It's so important to me! It was the last thing my mother gave to me! Here is a riddle of where the next clue is:

There is a guardian in this area. The guard is swaying back and fourth. 

"Where the hell is that?" Lia asked very frustrated already.

"I know..." Mat said. He probably knew because Ro had been there and she told him what it was like. They are so close.

"Where then?" James asked.

"The Man with No-Name's lair." Mat replied in a cold tone.

"Oh!" I thought.

We headed the The man with No-name's (A.K.A. Benjamin's) lair. 

The fog hovering over the ground was thick. Benjamin's arms swayed back and fourth.

The clue was hanging around his neck. Shit.

"So...who's getting the necklace?" Eva asked.

"Um...I can. But I need a distraction." Nikita stated. I think she wants to prove herself to the group.

"I can be the distraction." James volunteered.

"Then let's go!" Nikita replied.

James ran towards Benjamin. Once Ben was looking at his m dead in the eyes, James started imitating him by moving his like Ben does. This made the Man With No-Name VERY mad. So he started chasing James. James ran around with the Man With No-Name was behind him. The rest of the group was watching. Nikita and James work well together.

Once Ben calmed down. James started ranting about makeup.

This was all happening while Nikita searches for a weapon. She soon found tranquilizer darts.

She through a dart a almost made it. She missed by an inch. She through another. Same thing. 

Meanwhile, James was doing a great job distracting. James yelled something to Ben.

"That foundation shade doesn't match Sister!"

Nikita then through her third dart and it landed in his back. The Man With No-Name fell to the ground, unconscious. Thank God Mat kept his distance. If he had been an inch closer, he would have been squashed. Of course Ben wouldn't stay unconscious for kind. So Nikita grabbed the next clue and we ran back to the lounge.

Nikita opened the note and read it aloud.

"To get my necklace back, 2 must be selected by vote to face possible death in a death challenge. Those two must pick someone to fight for them. The first voted in, has first choice, The second voted in has second choice."

Nikita looked up at the group with disappointment in her eyes. I can tell what she's thinking. More voting. Yep. I sighed.

Riley laid out her piles of cards of each guest. We all broke into separate groups.

"Okay, I think we should vote Mat in." I overheard Felix (PewDiePie) say.

"Why?" Lilly (IIsuperwomanII) asked.

"Well, how did he know it was the Man With No Name's lair?" Felix replied.

"True." James spoke.

I already know three people are voting for MatPat. He's a good player though. I explained it to Eva. She seems to agree. She just nodded.

When it was time to vote, I voted for Lia. I've worked with everyone else. Eva's been here before. As well as Mat and Nikita. I've filmed with Lilly. I also saw James Charles distractingly Ben. I haven't worked with Lia or Felix. Felix seems worried about the group, so I voted Lia in. Apparently others thought that too! First chosen was Mat. Then Lia.

"I choose Nikita." I spoke. Mat gave a smile to Nikita.

"I choose James then." Lia spoke.

So we arrived at the tent. Plot twist, JC is the guardian!

It seems like he had no trouble tying up Mat. I think he's still mad at MatPat for failing him. I think he hopes Nikita loses so he can stab Mat.

It was time for the last part, and James and Nikita were dead locked. Nikita barely won.

JC looked disappointed. JC quickly stabbed Lia in the gut. She died.

That was the end of the first death challenge. Riley slid Lia's card into a box.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry Lia died. :( I am a huge fan. No hate towards her! I hope you enjoyed!

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