Walking Back To All Your Problems. Literally.

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Joey's POV:

I started walking back to the lounge where all my problems start. I sighed. My breath formed into mist. The air was chilly. I had my hands in my warm pocket. I tried to forget Mat's horrifying mangled corpse, but it was engraved in my mind. I fiddled around with the now bloody, yellow beret.

I reached the lounge in what seemed hours, but it was really just 5 minutes. I stepped up the icy steps. Was it really going to snow tonight?!?!? I hoe it didn't.

I raised my fist ready to knock on the door, but I hesitated at first. I finally gave in and just knocked on the door. I guess people were paranoid, because nobody answered for a few seconds. The  Is aw the nob twist and the door opened. There stood James. He stumbled, but stayed on his feet. 

"H-How?" James asked me, his eyes lit up with curiosity. 

"Mat has the same reaction." I spoke a little coldly. James seemed very frightened by Mat's corpse, and I can't blame him.

I heard the others call James' name. He let me inside.

Everyone's faces went shocked when they saw me following behind James.

"How in the-" I cut Lilly off.

"I was shot yesterday. How could The Man With No Name kill a dead man?" I explained.

"Oh my gosh...Joey! You're here!" Oli exclaimed. He ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug ever.

"We need to hide Tyler, now." I stated.

"Why?" James asked.

"We couldn't cheat on The Sorceress' games, so what makes you think we can cheat in the Devil's games? He probably sent something to kill Tyler, because they can't kill me." I explained.

Tyler went pale. I guess the thought of death scared him, who wouldn't be scared. We had just finished hiding Tyler, when...he came in. You might be wondering, "Who is he?" Well, let me tell you. He...is the Carnival Master. Now he is the pawn in the Devil's game.

He trudged up the very small set of stairs towards the group.

"Where is the boy?!" He asked, yelling in his growly voice.

We hid him behind us. The Carnival Master pushed through the crowed the find Tyler, huddled up in a ball, shaking. If you say you're "shook", think again, because Tyler was actually QUAKING. The fear in Tyler's eyes almost made me cry. The Carnival Master grabbed Tyler by his shirt collar and raised him up. The Carnival Master raised Tyler in the air and threw him to the ground.

Tyler quickly stood up and turned to face The Carnival Master. To much of everyone's surprise...Tyler started throwing punches back. He hit The Carnival Master square in the jaw. Even though Tyler didn't prove very strong in the arm wrestling challenge, with his life on the line, he was stronger than The Rock.

He fought The Carnival Master with all his might. I guess after Nikita, Mat, and I defeated him last year, he was drained of all immortal strength he had, because he reacted just like a human would to these punches. Maybe all the monsters are drained of some power because we defeated them before. Maybe The Carnival Master had too little power that when it was drained from him by us, he had none left, which was the purpose. Anyways. The Carnival Master's Jaw was sideways now. Blood oozed from the cracks that used to join the rest of his skull as jaws. Tyler ripped the two horns right out of The Carnival Master's head. When did Tyler become this strong? He didn't just rip out the horns, but brained and flesh came out too, that were stuck to the horns. I was horrified. 

Nikita whispered something in my ear.

"That's what he gets for all the lives he took." Her voice shaking a bit. I could tell she was guilty about Manny. I do 't blame her. I am very guilty about Colleen's death. Oh, the sounds. The sounds of the spikes cutting through her flesh. Her screams. Her pounding on the door. Her begs.

Tyler began smashing The Carnival Master's skull into bits. The Carnival Master was dead. It seems Tyler felt invincible, and strong. We were all in shock.

"Bitch how?" Nikita asked in utter disbelief.

Tyler shrugged, panting. Tyler stepped on the Carnival Master's chest, crushing it on an instant. How in the world.

There was something I recognized that reminded me of the the guilt I felt. Colleen's fur coat. I grabbed. Tear rolled softly down my cheeks as I held the coat in my hands. The others were too busy finding clues to notice me. I took out the yellow beret and cried. I hid the items behind a desk. I started looking for clues with the others.

Colleen's POV:

I woke up with chains tightly around my wrists and ankles. Where am I? I saw Ro and Manny chained against pieces of wood that were standing up. We were in our 1970s outfits. What the hell is going on? I expected to be somewhere nice after I died. Not here!

"We've been waiting for you to wake up, Colleen." Ro stated.

"Ro...since when was your beret...bloody?" Manny asked. "Colleen, your coat is bloody too!"

I looked down at my coat. It was bloody. So was Ro's beret. There was a big flat screen TV in front of us, so all of us could see.

(A/U: Yes. Flat screens were invented in the 1960s. Like 1964 or something.)

"Why is there a TV?" I asked.

"Oh, we get to see all the death challenges as well as deaths." Manny explained.

"We haven't yet seen the 4th death yet. We have to wait a while." Ro added.

All of a sudden, Ro's beret disappeared, as well as my coat. Manny's gold chain went away too! What the hell?

Manny's POV Way Before Colleen woke up. In fact, during the beginning. After the first death challenge.

I woke up and saw raging flames surrounding us. I saw this horned man with red skin. He was holding a trident. He had hooves for feet. He had huge bat like wings sticking out of his back. Ro saw him too. Colleen was still asleep. Wait...He's the...Devil himself!

Well, the Devil, dragged a black trash bag behind him. He got to the center and opened the bag. I was not expecting him to pull out what he did.

"I...am The Devil. However, you can call me Lucifer." He said in his growly, demonic voice.

Lucifer pulled out a human from the trash bag. I recognized her. It was Lia, AKA SSSniperwolf. He tied up up to a wooden pillar.

The next time Lucifer came in, he was holding another trash bag. This time, he pulled out Felix, AKA PewDiePie.

And the next time, Lucifer, didn't come with a trash bag. Confusion filled my body. Lucifer seemed angry.

"One of your friends, went against the rules! This game is annoying!" Lucifer shouted in his demonic voice. We saw the death challenge. Joey already died. Haha. What will happen to Tyler, though?

Lucifer was gone, and Colleen woke up.

Ro's POV:

When I saw the 4th death challenge, and death. I cried. Poor Mat. Again.

Lucifer dragged a trash bag slowly behind him. I knew who was in it. Felix and Lia were already awake, and very scared of Lucifer. I don't blame them, I am too! 

Lucifer opened the bag and pulled out no other than Mat. I now know how my beret got so bloody. I don't know where it is, though.

He tied Mat to a pillar. A piece of his skull was missing, so I could see part of his mashed up brains. It seems Lucifer tried putting Mat back together, because there were stitches across his face, multiple times. As well as his chest and stomach probably. His death was scary.

We also saw Tyler kill The a Carnival Master. That was a shocker. Now we know why Colleens coat was bloody. We still don't know why some of our items disappeared or where they are.

Tyler's POV:

My fists were bloody. All I can think about is if they are going to send more monsters to kill me. Then, I find it. The clue!

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