Chapter 33

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I continued to indulge myself in my favourite eye candy of all time, she is very interesting to watch in class and nothing is better than watching her do her work. I haven't seen her at work and I have been looking forward to it, the few times that I went to her office, she was doing her work but I never got to see that side of me.

I didn't know that she could look so hot just sewing pieces of cloth together and she even bit her bottom lip a little as she concentrates on finishing that snitch. No one can look as hot as her when sewing things together and she has no makeup on which makes her look even more attractive than usual.

I guess that my plan was kind of successful seeing that she didn't attempt to kick me out as soon as she sees me, she only rolled her eyes when she found out that she is paired with me to give me a tour around the campus. Actually, I didn't need the school tour at all nor I needed to brush up on my skills, I only joined this class for a week so that I can persuade her to trust herself that she can love someone and she should have the courage to love someone that she has feelings.

She definitely likes me, even though we are different in social status, I still thought that she was different from the others and she has a flair about her that makes me fall in love with her. She isn't that materialistic as many girls in this world who will spend all of their money on branded goods which would only be kept in their closet for as long as possible, Yoon Sieun will only carry around a medium priced handbag and that is the only handbag that she owns.

She is also very compassionate and she is willing to help everyone who needs help from her, I have heard from the other classmates that she is the repairwoman in their class and she would help repair absolutely everything that could be repaired very easily. She would also teach anyone that wants to learn and she is well-loved by everyone in this class, but yet she still stayed humble and continues to help others that needed a lot of help even though she could have just concentrated on getting all the things that she needed to be done.

I eyed her helping a fellow classmate finish up on a snitch, it is one of the hardest snitches to do and yet she is doing it effortlessly. That snitch is present in most of the clothes her late twin does and it takes some time to finish up on one snitch, she is extremely knowledgeable and smart to be able to do that and she is even teaching all the students who didn't know how to do it.

I stood up and I raised my voice so that everyone could hear me and Yoon Sieun would be there as well and hear it. "I don't know how to do this snitch properly, can I learn from you?"

She looked at me with a pathetic look for a few seconds and she lets out a deep sigh. "Join the queue, it would be 1,000 won for each request."

Are you freaking kidding me? I took out my wallet and paid the amount to the person-in-charge which is Yoon Sieun, one classmate told me that she is doing that so that she could donate to charity with every cent that she has earned, that is actually a very good idea of hers to think of charity and she had made a fortune just by collecting money from individuals who have the money and giving it back to the society.

She told all the people that needed help with the snitching to gather around her and she conducted a short lesson, a tutorial to teach everyone about it. There were some who took out their phones to record the whole process so that they wouldn't forget about it the next time they want to do the same snitch.

She has definitely learned a lot from her older twin sister who gave her the chance to fulfil her dreams while still impersonating to be her older sister at the same time, Baek YeEun saw the potential in her and decided that she gives her the chance to learn sewing and snitching properly and that made her an expert in just 3 months and she is one of the best students in the course. And all of them look up to her a lot, even me included although I am just here to see her.

Class ended pretty quickly and lunch break came by, all of the students have already left for lunch and I looked towards Yoon Sieun who is taking her phone and wallet from her handbag, I walked up to her and she gives me a look. "What are you trying to do?"

"I thought that you are supposed to give me a tour around the school?" I reminded her and she sighed.

"I don't need to and plus you are only here for a week, you are someone who has a great sense of direction here." She answered and she was called upon by a few girls in the class. "Enjoy your lunch alone, I'm going to eat with my girls. They are treating me to coffee." The other girls nodded, making me feel awkward around her immediately.

"But she is not just any other women in this world, she is Yoon SiEun and she is unique. There is no template for getting a girl back, you have to do it your way since every girl is different and no two women are the same."

Kim SeokJin's words hit me hard and I could never give up, if I really want to spend the rest of my life with Yoon Sieun, I have to do whatever it takes for me to trust me with her life completely, even if I have to dine with  a bunch of girls that I barely know and have a coffee with them.

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