prologue ✦ change

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hello guys! this is my 1st book! enjoy! love you all <3   (carter ^^^)

"Has the jury reached a verdict?"

"We have, Your honor. We the jury, find the defendants guilty."

"The jury is excused. Court is adjourned."

The judge slammed the gavel down, dismissing all of us in the room. I can't believe that my parents are going to jail. They did wrong yes, but how am I supposed to take care of Carter by myself? I sat in the courtroom a few seconds after everyone left, before getting up. I walked over to my best friend, Kevin who was playing rock paper scissors with my little brother. Smiling, I ruffled Carter's hair and bent down.

"Hey bubba, you winning?" I asked him, not mentioning anything that happened a few moments before.

"Nuh uh! Kevu is beatin' me bad." He looked up at me, with his signature frown.

I laughed softly and hit Kevin's shoulder. "Come on man. Let the boy win!"

"Alright, alright." He said before quickly changing his rock to paper while the little one had scissors.

Carter threw his hands up in excitement, "Yes! I beat uncle Kevu!" He danced around Kevin and I, making us chuckle.

I sighed a little, thinking of everything that just happened. He doesn't understand any of this. I mean, he's 5 for crying out loud. With my parents gone, I am most definitely going to have to get a job. Two if I'm lucky. Minimum wage or lower won't keep me and Carter stable.
I walked over to Kevin, hugging him.

"Thank you so much, Kev. I don't know what I would do without you. You're a great help with Carter and all." I smiled lightly, pulling away from the hug.

"Don't sweat it Kirst. You know I will always be there for you. Always. Never forget that." He said while pointing a finger at me.

I nodded. "I know that. Well, we have to get going. I don't know what he will ask me when we get home. I don't know if I can handle that right now."

He gave me a look, "Kirstin, you will be fine. I promise you. Now, get outta here. Go hang with your little brother for a while."

I smiled while nodding again. Carter grabbed my hand and we waved by to Kevin before walking out of the courthouse. Carter begged for ice cream and after countless times of him yelling, I gave in.

- Time skip -

"Thank you, Sissy! The ice cream was amazing!!" He exclaimed while jumping into his carseat.

"Well, i'm glad you liked it Bud. Do you wanna go home now? It's getting late."

He nodded and buckled himself up. I started the car and began my drive home. After a few minutes of driving, Carter spoke.

"Is Momma and Daddy gonna be there when we get home? I wanna tell them about our ice cream trip."

I drew in a sharp breath. "Um, Bubba... Mommy and Daddy aren't coming back for a while. They uh.. went on a really long vacation and I don't know when they're coming back." I looked at him through the mirror of the car and forced a smile.

"Oh okay, Sissy. I can't wait till they get back." He went back to drawing in his note book.

I hope this isn't going to be very hard. If they didn't break into that house, none of this would be going on. They were desperate for cash and they took the bad move and now they're paying the consequences. Now, Carter and I have to suffer from their choices. Someone help.

hi this is soooo short! i'm so sorry everyone. forgive me please💓
- <3
{620 words}

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