six ✦ passing

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this chapter is going to be sad. sorry
tw: hospital, car wreck, death



I woke up at 7am to my phone ringing. I quickly got out of bed and picked it up.


"Hi. Is this Kirstin Maldonado?"

"Yes it is. Who is this?"

"I am a nurse from the UL Health Hospital and I'm calling from the emergency room. Do you know anyone by the names, Kevin Olusola and Carter Maldonado?"

"Um.. Yes. Carter is my little brother and Kevin is my best friend. What happened? Whats wrong?"

"Unfortunately, the two got into a car wreck with a driver who was on his cellphone. The man drove on the wrong side of the rode and he was going 80mph when the speed limit was only 55mph. The man who was on his phone died instantly. Mr. Olusola is in a coma and as for your little brother... Ma'am, you need to come here quickly." She hung up the phone.

My heart dropped. I couldn't hear anything. I dropped the phone and started bawling. No. No. No. This can't be happening. I started to scream and hit everything I could see. Scott must have heard. He ran in the bedroom and wrapped his arms around me. He didn't know the situation yet.

"Hey... hey.. Whats wrong?"

"Kevin... carter... w-wreck" I said sobbing.

He put his hand over his mouth in shock. "Come on. We need to go to the hospital." He picked me up and walked quickly to the car before setting me in the passenger side.

He got in the car and he looked at me. "Kirst. Everything is going to be okay. Alright? Don't focus on it right now."

I looked at him and nodded a little. He smiled sadly at me. I was terrified to see what had happened. After a few minutes, I had started to calm down but my leg was still shaking. Scott reached over and put his hand on my knee softly and the shaking subsided.

We pulled into the emergency room parking lot and got out quickly. I ran inside, leaving Scott still at the car. I ran to the counter and told them the names urgently. The lady told me that Kevin was in his room but we couldn't see him. She didn't tell me anything about my brother. When I asked a second time she told me that a doctor would come out and talk to me in a few minutes. I was shaking. Scott finally made it in and he looked at me. I was sitting in the waiting room chair, balled up and shaking. He walked over to me and sat beside me.

"What did they say..?" He said softly.

"Kevin is in a coma but they won't tell me anything about Carter. Scott, I need to know if he's okay." I started to cry again. Scott wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his chest. He rubbed my back and started humming in a attempt to calm me down. It was working slowly but surely.

-time skip-

It has been 2 hours since we got here and still, no answers. I was starting to get worried that this was worse than I thought.

I saw a man in scrubs walk towards us. He put his hands in his pockets and sighed slightly. "Ma'am, as you know, Mr. Olusola and Maldonado were in a wreck, yes?" I nodded. "Well, Mr. Olusola is in a coma and we are monitoring him. Unfortunately, I have to inform you that your little brother has passed away. When the car was hit, it flipped, and fell into a ditch. The side that was hit head on, was Carter's. He was already gone when we got to the scene. I am sorry for your loss, Ms. Maldonado." He put his hand on my shoulder and walked away.

I started crying again. Scott tried to hug me and I just started to hit him. He wasn't fazed by it. He continued to hug me.



I could feel my eyes start to water. I wasn't going to cry right now. I have to be there for Kirst. I have to be strong for her. Somehow, Kirstie ended up in my lap. I didn't mind. I hugged her gently and started to hum again. I played with her hair while rocking back and forth. She had calmed down a little. I felt her breathing slow down, realizing she fell asleep. I didn't move. I'm not going to wake her. She deserves this after everything that has happened. How is she so strong? I would not know how to handle any of the things she has gone through. How is she supposed to tell her parents this? I just hope she doesn't blame herself. It was the man's fault. He shouldn't have been texting and driving or going 35mph over the speed limit. I started to get angry. How could someone do this? There are laws for a reason. A few moments later, a nurse came to me and said that we could go see Kevin. I nodded and looked down at Kirstie. She was sleeping so peacefully, I honestly didn't want to wake her but, I know she would want to she him.

I shook her gently and whispered, "Hey.. Kirst. Wake up.. We can go see Kevin now." She stirred a little and opened her eyes.

Yawning, she nodded and got up. "Where is his room?" I told her the room number and she started walking towards it. When we arrived to the room, Kirstie stopped right in front of the door. "Scott.. I can't go in there. I cant.." she started to back up and walk away.

I shook my head and stood in front of her so she couldn't go anywhere. "No. You can do this. I know you can. You so are strong." I rubbed her arm assuringly. She nodded and walked back to the door. I looked at her. "Do you me to come with you?" She shook her head and I nodded. She drew in a hitched breath and walked in.

- time skip -

I sat in the hallway the whole time Kirstie was in there with Kevin. She came out 45 minutes later. She immediately looked at me sadly.

"Can we go now?" She looked down.

"Of course, Love." She started to walk away and I walked behind her to the car.

She didn't talk the rest of the night. She walked straight to her room when we got to the house. I sighed. I can't blame her though. She is probably broken without Carter.

I went up to my room and got ready for bed. 30 minutes later, I heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in, Kirst." She walked in slowly.

"Um. Can I sleep in here for the night? I don't feel like being alone..." She looked down.

"Of course." I moved over and patted the bed. She walked to the bed and laid down on it. It was silent for a few moments before Kirstie said something.

"Scott? Can I tell you something? And you have to promise not to freak out." I simply nodded. "Okay.. well. .. I haven't been telling you the truth about Carter. My parents told me not to tell anyone so we wouldn't get frowned upon more than we already were. But um.. When I was 13, my ex forced me to have sex with him and then I found out that I was pregnant. My parents were disappointed and refused to listen to my side of the story. When I was 14, I had my baby and it was Carter. I never told him that I was his Mom. He always knew me as his sister. And now he will never know.. Um.. my ex was the guy who was at the restaurant. I finally got away from him when I was 17. He did really bad things to me, Scott. I was hoping I would never have to see him again.." She was crying again.

I got closer to her and put my arm around her. I had no reaction to her story. She just needed comfort right now. That was what I was going to give her. I didn't see her any less than she was before she told me that story. Now I know why her and Carter were so close even though he had no idea that she was his Mother. While she is with me, I will do whatever it takes to protect her. She doesn't deserve any of these things that has happened to her.

so sorry for the sad chapter. :'(
- <3
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