eleven ✦ shattered

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I froze. What was I supposed to say to that? I'm not ready for this. I stared at Scott. He was desperate for an answer. A good answer. I can't give him a good one. After staying silent, I spoke up.

"I... I can't.. I'm sorry.." I said as I ran back in the house. I left him there. He was still down on one knee with a ring in his hand.



Wait.. What? I watched as she ran away. The words didn't register until a few moments after. She doesn't want to marry me... I probably just ruined our whole relationship. How could I be so stupid? I looked over at Mitch and he was shocked.

"Honey..." he said, walking over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I didn't say anything. I sat there staring at the ground. I didn't know what to do. Should I go after her or should I let her have some time alone? I looked up at Mitch and tears developed in my eyes. He bent down and hugged me and before I knew it, I was full on sobbing. After I had stopped, I got up off the ground and told Mitch thank you. He simply just patted my back as a 'you're welcome'. I looked up at Kirstie's bedroom window and sighed. I think I should go talk to her..

I hugged Mitch, "Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me. Even if.. you know... I got rejected.." I told him in a hurt tone.

"Of course. I will always be there for my best friend." He smiled and let go of the hug.

He said his goodbyes and said he would come pick the decorations up later, before leaving. I nodded and waved bye to him. Walking inside, I felt terrified. How am I supposed to talk to her about this? I walked up the stairs slowly. As I reached her room, I stopped. I prepared myself before going in. I softly knocked on the door. She didn't answer.

"Kirst.. Can I please talk to you?" I asked quietly. Still no answer. I knew she was in there though. I could hear her sniffling because she was crying. "I'm sorry.. I didn't know you weren't ready for this.. I don't want this to ruin anything... I really am sorry.."

I sighed after she still didn't respond. I walked back downstairs and into my room. When I walked in, my anger started building up. I kicked, yelled, and hit anything in my sight. Tears started streaming down my face. I'm such an idiot. I just ruined the one good thing in my life. Of course it would have to be me.

-time skip-

I woke up and went to the living room. Kirstie was sitting on the couch, staring at the coffee table. I sat on a chair next her and cleared my throat.

"So, um.. everything okay?" I cringed at myself. I honestly didn't know what to say at this point.

She shook her head. "Scott, I-i need to tell you something and... please don't hate me.." She said quietly.

"I would never hate you. What's wrong?" I looked at her questioningly.

She was quiet for a few minutes. "Well... we have been a little distant this past year and.. um.. I don't know.. I feel kind of stuck in this. I feel like nothing is moving forward with us.. I guess what I'm trying to say is.. I don't feel the same way about you as I did before.. I don't want to keep living this lie..." She didn't look at me at all as she told me this.

I didn't know how to respond. I stared at her in disbelief. "Wait.. so all of this time we've been together, you haven't had feelings for me? You've just been lying this whole time..?" I was really hurt by what she said.

"Scott.. I'm sorry.. I didn't know how to tell you.." She sighed.

"Well, if you don't feel the same way then there is no reason for us to stay in this relationship..." I said, sadly. I didn't want to believe the words that I was saying.

"I g-guess you're right..." I sighed and looked down before standing up.

Kirstie stood up as well and walked over to me. She hugged me and put her arms around my neck. I hugged her back, forcing myself to not start crying. She hugged me a little tighter before pulling away. She walked upstairs and never turned back. I started crying as soon as she closed her door. Pulling out my phone, I put my password in and started to text Mitch.

Scott: It's over. We broke up...

Mitch: Oh no.. Honey, I'm so sorry.. Do you need anything?

Scott: Nah.. I'll be fine..

Mitch: Are you sure, love?

Scott: No..

Mitch: Awe. Well, if you think of something, call me. I will make sure to be there in a flash xoxo

Scott: Thanks, Mitchy <3

Mitch: Anytime love 💕

I walked to my room. As hard as I tried to stop, the tears kept flowing. My whole world is crumbling apart. She has been lying to me for the past year.. I noticed us getting distant but I didn't really think anything of it. I especially didn't think this would happen because of it.. After crying for at least 25 minutes, I started to feel tired. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

next morning

I woke up later than normal. It was already 10am. While yawning, I got up and changed clothes. I didn't feel like going anywhere today or ever. I honestly just wanted to lay down in my bed and hide from the world. I sighed and walked to the kitchen. My stomach growled, telling me that it needs food. I grabbed some cereal and milk. So much for a good breakfast. I had no motivation to do anything. I finished making my cereal and I walked to the dining room. When I sat down, I noticed a note on the table. I picked it up and started reading it.

Dear Scott,
I'm sorry for the way I made you feel. I hope that you forgive me. These past 2 years have been amazing and I wouldn't have wanted to spend them with anyone else but you. You have shown me humbleness. You taught me how to love and accept myself. Thank for hiring me at your coffee shop. Thank you for buying my groceries when I barely had enough money. I wish I could repay you. Thank you for giving me 2 amazing years with you. You're an amazing, sweet, and awesome person and I'm going to be amazed to see who marries you one day. You are the greatest thing that has happened to me. I'm so sorry that I am leaving but I think it is better this way. Always remember to keep that caring personality of yours. Thank you for being my rescue. I hope to see you again sometime in the future but, for now, this is farewell.

P.S. If you're ever in trouble, always know that Carter is watching from above. He will always be there for help. 

Sincerely, Kirstie <3


andddd the end. the ending was crappy tho. guys,, this book was honestly so fun to write and im ngl, i cried while writing this chapter but anyways,, thank you guys so much for reading. i love all of you so much. also, if you want a sequel to this book, comment '💐'
- <3
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