eight ✦ resent

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I'm going to tell my parents what happened to Carter today. They will probably hate me and blame me for it. I asked Scott to go with me because I was scared to go alone.

-time skip-

We just got to the jail. I'm going to see my mom first because I don't think she will be as hard to tell. I was already on my mom ad dads approved visiting list so I didn't have to do much. I walked up to the desk and told the lady my moms name and that I wanted to see her. The lady nodded and told me where to go. A guard walked Scott and I to a room. The man told Scott that he would have to wait outside but he could watch through a screen. He nodded and stayed outside. I walked into the room and saw my mother sitting there, handcuffed to the table. I drew in a hitched breath. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I sat down in front of her, saying nothing yet. I sighed.

"Hey, Mom.." She looked at me and didn't say anything. "I just wanted to come by because um.. I have some bad news and you need to hear about it. I don't want you to get angry with me. I promise it wasn't my fau-"

She interrupted me. "Just get on with it so I can get out of here." She told me while rolling her eyes.

"Okay. As I was saying. It's not my fault so do not blame me. Anyways, 7 months ago, Kevin was bringing Carter to me. He thought I had to work so he was trying to get him to me as quick as possible. While he was driving, a car hit them head on. It hit Carter's side first and then flipped. Mom... Carter died on the scene. The doctors tried to help but they couldn't. I'm so sorry.."

I looked at her. She gave me the scariest look ever. "So, this was 7 months ago and you're just telling me this now?! I can't believe this! If you would have been responsible enough to take care of him on your own, maybe he wouldn't be dead! You couldn't even look after him for a day! You killed my grandson.. Get out of here! I never want to see you again!"

I have never seen her so angry in my life. It was terrifying. I got up with tears streaming down my face. I looked at her one last time before speaking, "I'm sorry.. I hope you forgive me one day." She scoffed. I shook my head and walked out. I ran to Scott and hugged him while crying. "She hates me, Scott! She hates me!" I cried into his chest while he rubbed my back.

"She doesn't hate you, Angel. She's just hurt. People say things that they don't mean when they're angry. I'm sure none of that was true."

I shook my head. "I don't think I want to tell my dad today.. I can't imagine what he is going to say.." Scott nodded.

We walked out of the jail and got in the car. Why has all of this happened to me? I don't think I deserve this but, maybe I do. Maybe I am not supposed to be happy. I don't want to live like this anymore.. I have stayed in this hole for a long time and now I'm starting to get buried in all this pain. This is getting too hard. I don't want to put, Scott through that but, I can't handle this anymore. I sighed. I know what I'm going to do...


filler chapter. sad ending. yay. dont hate me for it being short.
- <3
{634 words}

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