five ✦ fury

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Kevin called Kirstie after we left the shop, saying that Carter wanted to stay the night. Kirstie agreed and let him stay with him. It was only 6pm so we decided to go out and eat. After arguing on where to eat, Kirstie picked Chinese. We walked in together and sat down in a booth. After we ordered, Kirstin looked around and then her eyes widened and she gasped.

"Hey, Kirst. Are you okay?" I looked at her worried. She didn't respond. Instead, she sunk farther into her seat attempting to hide.
I leaned over the table a bit, trying to get her attention. She was playing with her fingers. Obviously she was scared or nervous. I didn't know why though.
"Hey.." I tapped on the table softly. She finally looked up at me. "What's wrong?"

"Ex", was all she said. I understood now, but why was she so scared? That's what I didn't get.

I eventually got her to calm down. After we got through eating, I told Kirstie that I would be back and I went to go pay for the food at the counter. When I walked back to the booth, there was a guy sitting very close to her. He touched her face and then got up, holding her hand. He tried pulling her up from the booth. She resisted and stayed where she was. This made the man angry and he pulled her up forcefully and then pushed her to the ground. I finally decided to step in when he got in her face.

"Hey! Get away from her!" I ran over to the man and pushed him away from Kirstie.

The man scoffed and looked at me. "And who might you be?"

"Um.." I looked back at Kirstie. I hope she doesn't hate me for this. "I'm her boyfriend and if you put her hands on her, you will regret it."

"Oh.. I have put my hands on her many, many times. I think it's too late for that. Isn't that right Kirst?" he looked at her with a smirk. This made me angry. I pushed him up against the wall and got in his face.

"Look, I don't want to fight you. You're going to have to leave." I told him quietly.

"Oh you want me to leave? You're the one who ruined our little reunion." He winked at Kirstie. "Hey, Kirst. How about you come home with me tonight? We can do what we used to do. You can tell 'pretty boy' how much you liked being my little toy." he pushed me out of the way and started walking towards her. She backed up and started shaking. I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and pushed him back up against the wall. He pushed me back and proceeded to punch me in the face. I wiped my face and laughed.

"I gave you a chance. You're not a good listener." I scoffed and kicked him in the stomach, while punching him in the face. He fell on the ground. I was so angry. I kept punching him even after he passed out. I stopped when I heard Kirstie crying. I got up and walked over to her. She stood up and hugged me tightly, still crying.

"I just want to go home. I wanna get away from here." she said while sobbing.

I rubbed her back and tried to calm her down. "Let's go." I held her hand and we walked out of the restaurant. As we approached the car, Kirstie looked at me.

"Thank you so much. If you weren't there, who knows what would have happened by now." She hugged me once again and I smiled.

"Of course. I will always be there. No matter what. Oh and sorry for saying I was your boyfriend back there.. I just wanted him to leave." She looked up at me and smiled before pulling away from the hug.

"Don't worry about it. It was cute." She giggled and looked at me again.

I blushed and opened the car door for her, waiting till she got in to close the door. I walked to the drivers side and got in as well.

-time skip-

The drive home was only about 15 minutes. I looked over at Kirstie and she was sound asleep. I parked the car and got out quietly, trying not to wake her up. Walking to the passenger side, I opened her door and unbuckled her seatbelt while picking her up bridal style. I closed the door and got my keys out to unlock the house. After, struggling to find the key, I finally got into the house. I walked up the stairs slowly and took Kirstie to her room. She stirred a little and I started to walk slower so I didn't wake her. I reached her room and I placed her on the bed. She moved around and eventually settled down. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead softly.

"Goodnight, angel. Sweet dreams." I closed the door and went downstairs. This girl has went through so much. Wow. I adore her. She is so brave and amazing.

I started thinking about what happened at the restaurant. I can't believe someone that sick could ever be with someone like Kirst. I'm glad I was there to stop him. He is truly disgusting. Hopefully he is gone for good. I don't want Kirstie to deal with him again. But, if he does come back, I will definitely be there. I'm never leaving her side.

this doesn't make sense but oh well✌🏻
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