Chapter 2

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  Kaminari was rudely awoken by his roommate roughly shaking him. His eyes shot open and looked to see who was his offender. "Wake up, Kaminari! You gotta read this!" Kaminari was still drowsy so he took the paper and saw lots of red so he assumed it was Kirishima. Yawning, he looked at the paper, skimming the info. The paper looked really fancy but Kaminari was too tired to notice any much more than that. He began reading,

  Dear, Bakery

  We would like to invite Denki Kaminari, who served the Prince a batch of cookies yesterday morning, a job at the castle. He would have a room at the palace and would have access to the kitchen and many of the other rooms of the palace. He will also be given proper work clothes to wear. He will have weekends off and will be given a generous pay. All we wish for him to do is to be the Prince's royal adviser as well as make deserts for the royal family. We will send a few guards to retrieve him in two days. If he declines the offer then simply do not join them back to the palace.

                      Sincerely, the Queen.

  Kaminari didn't really understand what it said but assumed it was important. He decided to read it again later when he wasn't dreadfully tired.

  He looked over to see all his roommates next to his bed, eagerly awaiting his answer. He blinked. He blinked again. He sighed and brought his eyes back to the paper, reading through the information once more. After he read the letter more carefully, he finally began to understand what it said. His eyes lit up and excitement filled his body to the brim. He lept up from his bed, surprising his friends, and pumped his fist in the air triumphantly. "Hell yeah!" He yelled to nobody in particular.

  All his friends joined him in his celebration. "That's so cool Kaminari! You should defiantly take the job!" Mina said, giving Kaminari a fist bump.

  Then something sad hit him. He would spend 5 days at the palace and he would only be able to see his friends 2 days a week. Not only that, he wouldn't be able to bake as much as he currently does. Only deserts which are only ever really eaten after dinner. Plus he didn't know anyone at the palace, which wasn't too much of a problem since he could easily make friends with his charming stupidity.

  His expression must have visibly changed since his friends went to ask what the bother was. Kirishima was first to it. "Bro, what's wrong? This is a great opportunity, you should be happy." He said with a hand on Kaminari's shoulder.

  Kaminari nodded, understanding what he said, but not listening to it. He was excited, but he was also just as nervous. What if he fucked up. What if he couldn't make friends. What if he was terrible at his job. What if he was executed for accidentally poisoning someone. These thoughts swam through his head and out through his mouth. He had a hard time keeping stressful things inside himself so he would say them aloud even if no one were there. Luckily his friends were there so when he broke down to the floor, sobbing, they could comfort him.

  Sero rubbed his back, Mina held his hand, and Kirishima patted his head. They all said encouraging things to help sooth Kaminari. "Hey, it's alright Kami. I'm sure you wouldn't fuck up at something your good at." Sero said.

  "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't screw up a recipe so bad you would poison the king or something," Mina reassured.

  "Well, I dunno, remember when I accidentally used rat poison instead of vanilla while making some cupcakes?" Sero said, urging to prove Mina wrong.

  "Not. Helping. Sero, " Mina glared at him deathly, "besides, that was your fuck up, not Kami's." Mina retorted, earning a solemn nod from Sero.

  "Guys, either way, I'm pretty sure they don't keep rat poison in the kitchen at the palace." Kirishima butt in. Kaminari laughed at his friend's bickering. He felt a lot better after hearing his roommates argue over something silly.

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