Chapter 8

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  The wine glass and fork we're used by a slightly shorter man with red wings and weird glasses. Next to the large man was a woman with white hair and next to her, we're two younger-looking people; a man and a woman. All of their hair had a similar color palette except for the guy with weird glasses. Todoroki spoke lightly, "excuse me, Kaminari. I must go join Endeavor for a bit. We'll talk again soon." He stood from his seat and made his way through the crowd.

  Kaminari stayed in his seat, watching the large, intimidating man. The firey gorilla began to speak. "As you all know, this party was thrown to celebrate my son's 25th birthday. Now, not many of you know that this is also my son's crowning ceremony. I have picked a specific selection of guests so that..." Kaminari began to forget what the ape was saying as soon as the words hit his ears. He was more focused on literally anything else.

  Princess Jiro made her way up to the front line, next to her forced fiance. Bakugou was on the farther side of the crowd, near the sidelines. He looked pissed. He must've found acting melancholy as a waste of time since everyone knew his true nature. Kaminari figured that it had something to do with Todoroki or his father. Well, he thought that was the reason until he saw what Bakugo was holding. He had Tukki in his hand along with his little brother's hand in the other. Makato was a smart kid. Scary at times but smart.

  Midoriya was to the opposite side of Kaminari, towards the back of the group. He looked sad. Kaminari thought he would try to cheer him up. He stood from his seat and excused himself through the crowd. As he got closer, Midoriya's mumbles became clearer. It was his body's natural way of expressing anxiety. It was a strange method but it seemed to keep him calm to an extent.

  When Kaminari finally approached Midoriya, he patted the shorter male's back ever so lightly. Midoriya's attention was drawn from his own mind to Kaminari's smiling face. "Oh, hello Kaminari," Midoriya said in a hushed tone.

  "Hey, are you doing okay? You seemed out of it." Kaminari pointed out. He was slightly worried about Midoriya's mental health at his sight. Midoriya nodded his head and looked back up to the line of important individuals with a rather bitter-sweet smile. "It's Todoroki isn't it?" Kaminari asked bluntly.

  Midoriya looked surprised at first but sighed heavily and nodded his head. "You love him don't you?" Kaminari asked, only to receive a nod of approval once more. "Ya know, he doesn't actually love princess Jiro." Kaminari pointed out.

  Kaminari thought that this fact would bring some joy to Midoriya but he still looked sad. "Yes, I am aware, but seeing him hold hands and be around her like they are in love makes me sick. I just wish I could take Jiro's place at their wedding."

  "Well, maybe you, Todoroki, and Jiro could come to an agreement. Like, you and Todoroki be secret lovers while Jiro and he act like a couple to the public?"

  "Well, that all depends on if he likes me back," Midoriya said, feeling sadder than ever.

  "Oh... Yeah." Kaminari forgot that Todoroki hadn't confessed to Midoriya yet. He could never deliver the Prince's news that of which was not his to share.

  "Besides I wouldn't want Todoroki to have to lie about our relationship. It would cause us all more heartache than now." Midoriya had a point. It would be difficult to keep a secret that big and it would be stressful for all parties.

  "I suppose it would. Sorry, my ideas don't seem to work." Kaminari said. He couldn't help but feel useless in this situation.

  "It's alright, Kaminari. At least you tried to help." Midoriya said solemnly. The two men looked back to the large man. They stayed silent until the speech was over. When Endeavor placed a silver crown over a kneeling Todoroki's head and the crowd started clapping, Kaminari could guess that the ceremony was over and Todoroki was king. Afterward, a lot of people walked up to him and Jiro to shake his hand or congratulate him. Midoriya refrained from doing so and just sat at a table quietly. He didn't mumble or smile at anyone. He just started at the new king. Kaminari decided to give him some space so he went to check up on Bakugou and his brother.

The Royal Dumbass• KamiBaku(ModernRoyal AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя