Chapter 5

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Kaminari woke up to yelling in frustration. He felt really confused and curious so he got up from the bed and walked to the living room. He peeked around the corner to see what the commotion was about. His three other roommates were just playing on the console. He sighed in relief. He was happy that no one was fighting. He stepped out from his hiding place and shuffled to the couch. The balcony blinds were open behind the lounge chair that was next to the couch, filling the room with natural light. Kaminari squinted and sat in the extra seat. His friends were so focused on their game that they all barely paid attention to Kaminari walk past them.

Kaminari was hungry but he didn't feel like eating. He just wanted to enjoy his friend's game. When the match ended the group finally noticed Kaminari since their eyes weren't glued to the TV. They all exchanged good mornings with him before entering another match. Kirishima suggested that Kaminari grab a controller and join in. Kaminari politely refused. He wasn't too good at playing video games and he enjoyed to watch others.

Halfway through the match, Kaminari's stomach growled loudly. So loud that the other people in the room could hear it over their extremely intriguing game. They all laughed at the sudden sound. "I suppose you haven't had breakfast yet, I'll go make something," Mina suggested as she paused her game.

"N-no you don't have to stop playing Mina, I'm not that hungry," Kaminari suggested frantically. He really didn't want to be a burden.

"Kami, you know we shouldn't start this habit again. Remember what happened last time?" Mina said in a motherly way as she held a spatula in his direction.

Kaminari remembered but he didn't care." It wasn't that bad. If we do it smartly then I should be fine." Kaminari muttered.

"Denki! You ended up in the hospital! And we had to work your stomach up slowly to being able to even eat a piece of bread! I get that you have Anxiety but you should really start thinking about how your actions make others feel. It hurts me and the guys to see you in such pain, Denki. If the task is something as simple as making breakfast then you should expect that we will do whatever we can to make you feel happy." Mina said, obviously getting frustrated.

"Yeah man, we love you and seeing you in pain really sucks," Sero added. Those words made Kaminari feel bad for thinking of the things he suggested sometimes. He couldn't help but cry. He pulled his feet up into the chair as he wiped his tears away with his sleeve.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to hurt you, " he said, voice breaking. Kirishima, Sero, and Mina hugged Kaminari. Kaminari calmed down and Mina went to make him breakfast. Kirishima relocated Kaminari to sit on the larger couch between him and Sero. Kirishima loosely wrapped his hand around Kaminari's waist while he flipped through TV channels. Sero just let Kaminari rest his head on his shoulder. Ever since Kaminari was little he had become touch starved. His father was never at home due to work while his mother had Haphephobia so he never got the loving hugs or sweet cresses a child needs. This was the major cause of his anxiety and depression. There are more but there's too many to count.

Mina came over with a plate of bacon, eggs, and orange slices. She placed it in his lap with a fork and knife. Kaminari began eating his perfectly cooked meal. Mina took his previous seat in the chair. Kirishima stopped on an interesting show and the group watched that for a few hours before they all got bored.

Kirishima was practically asleep, Sero and Kaminari were playing rock, paper, scissors, while Mina played games on her phone. "Ugh, this is so boring," Mina whined, shutting off her phone.

"Well then what do you suggest we do?" Sero replied. Mina thought for a minute with her finger on her chin.

"Oh, I know! How 'bout we go to the mall?" Mina's eyes lit up. She was already imagining all the stuff she wanted to buy. The boys agreed so they all went to change their clothes.

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