Chapter 7

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  While Kaminari was looking around the room he had forgotten that his job is to keep an eye on the Prince. He looked around frantically in search of Bakugo. He was relieved to see him standing against a pillar. He made his way to where the Prince resided with Makato still on his hip.

  "Hello, you're highness. How come you aren't talking with anyone?" Kaminari was confused as to why Bakugo was alone during a party. Bakugo held an emotionless expression. Public Prince mode was on.

  "Because I don't even want to be here in the first place. Why mingle when there's no one interesting at this stupid party." He commented. He was angry but he kept a lid on it.

  "Aww, I'm not interesting to you? I thought I was doing a good job at entertaining you with your silly pop quizzes." Kaminari sighed, playing a saddened face.

  Bakugo did find Kaminari interesting in a way but he refused to express his feelings until he fully understood them himself. Even then if he found his feelings he would probably never tell them to Kaminari. He didn't want to disagree and call Kaminari annoying so he just huffed. Kaminari chuckled.

  "Well you should really try to talk with someone or this party will be deathly boring," Kaminari suggested.

  Bakugo thought to change the subject quickly. "What's in the box you got?" He pointed to the pink box Kaminari was carrying in his other hand.

  "Oh! It's your cookies. Sorry I didn't give them to you sooner. I got kinda distracted." Kaminari held out the box for the Prince to take.

  Bakugo took them and opened the lid. "God, you have the attention span of a pigeon. Let's see how terrible you did." He said angerly. He took a cookie out and took a bite.

  "Actually, Makato helped me with making them. Your brother is quite a good helper." Kaminari complimented Makato. "Are they any good you're highness?"

  "They're whatever," Bakugo said with a cookie in his mouth. He really loved them but it was his instinct to act disgracefully. That's okay because Kaminari had become accustomed to reading the Prince through his actions. The Prince kept eating the cookies which told Kaminari that he liked them. If they were just "whatever" the Prince would reject them immediately He smiled.

  Makato was becoming too heavy for Kaminari to carry so he set him down and held his hand instead. Makato didn't seem to like the change but didn't say anything.

  While Kaminari and Bakugo were talking Makato was looking around the room. His imaginative child mind was having fun until he spotted a very special individual. His eyes lit up and he had the sudden urge to run over to the man. He darted out of grasp, catching Kaminari's attention. He sprinted as fast as he could through the crowd. Kaminari, doing his job, chased after Makato, trying to keep him in sight range.

  Makato's mission was accomplished. He ran into the man he sought after and hugged his lower half. The man was taken aback and was forced to stop the conversation he had with a frilly dressed woman. He excused himself from the conversation and turned his attention to the blonde-haired man approaching him, winded from chasing the child.

  "Young prince *huff* what are you *huff* doing?" Kaminari asked the small child. Kaminari regained his breath and Makato stepped away from the tall man. "I'm terribly sorry sir, you must forgive him. He gets overly excited about stuff and acts on impulse sometimes. Young prince, if you wanted to meet this man then you should have told me to bring you to say hello. Not run off and give me a heart attack." Kaminari said.

  Makato looked guilty with his bunny. "I'm sorry Kaminari." He said sadly.

  "It's alright young prince, just next time tell me or Shinso before you run off." Makato nodded his head. Kaminari gripped his small, child hand and stood to face the man. "I'm terribly sorry sir. I'll make sure he doesn't surprise attack you again." Kaminari chuckled nervously.

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