The Promise

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                                                    ⚠️Sad and weird chapter⚠️

{Sasha's POV}

It feels so good to get that seaweed out of my hair! Too bad I couldn't spend more time with Dabi. I wonder what he's doing right now... Agh, what is wrong with me?! I mean he is hot, and kinda sweet, but what if he just uses me? Oh God, please don't be like (Ex/N)...

{Dabi's POV}

When I got out of the shower, I went over t the sink and looked in the mirror to see... Toga in my bed?! WAIT, HOW DID SHE GET IN THERE?!? 

"What the f**k are you doing in here?" I asked, quickly moving to the foot of my bed. 

"Me? Oh, I'm only here to make sure you didn't do anything to my sister." 

Toga seemed off to me, but let's face it, the girls' wack as it is.

"I didn't 'do anything' to Sasha and I never would." 

I was hoping she wouldn't see the fact I was remembering last night and how I was kinda turned on.

Toga looked at me with her narrowed yellow eyes for a moment, but then sighed and looked at me with more solemn, dire eyes. 

"Ok look... I'm gonna tell you something only I know about Sasha and if she figures out I told you, she'll kill me. So you BETTER keep your mouth shut, Ok?" 

Toga was serious for once, and I knew it. She was never this stone faced. I nodded in response. She took a breath, then continued slowly.

"When Sasha was fifteen or so... we were dumb kids looking for some fun. I just so happened to piss off the wrong guy, and to get back at me, he hurt Sasha... h-he rapped her and beat her so bad she couldn't walk for two months. I can kill people for a living no problem, but... I can never live with the fact that my sister's innocence was taken because I was dumb. At the time she also had a boyfriend, and he... he stabbed her and called her a monster because of her quirk. So I just want you to know that she's been through hell and back. So just... please treat her the way she deserves to be treated. I just... ugh, she just needs a man who will love her and not use her. So promise me if you're going to date her, or be with her in any way, treat her like she's your everything, Ok?"

I was shocked. I never thought Toga was one to make promises, but I understood where she was coming from.

"I will give my life for Sasha. I promise you, she will be my everything."

~Hey, it's Writer- Chan. So I know that this chapter was probably sad and cheesy, but it pays off! So I hope you like it. I would also like you to know my friend, who is writing the other fanfic on this account, ((It me, Myrah,)) has been updating the story for me!! I'm writing the chapters and sending them to her, and she's uploading them for me since I am currently with my family and don't have my labtop so yeah. Sooooooo hopefully soon I will find the time to update a photo of what Sasha looks like, I just need to finish coloring it on my drawing tablet so until then enjoy~

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