There's A First Time For Everything

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{Night time now, Dabi's POV}

It's dark.

Where's the light switch?

Wait, there's... nothing around me?

What's happening?

"SASHA?! Are you there?!" 

I call out, but there's no answer.

Where is she? Wait, there's some light! Hold on, who's that with Sasha? He's tall, and...

. . . 

...It's Shoto. 

But what's he doing with my girl?!?

My face feels hot. I touch it. It's wet. It's... blood? That's right, I don't cry tears, I cry blood. Wait, I'm................ crying?


I gasped, waking with a jolt. 

"Sasha... oh god, it was just a dream..." I paused, but then sighed and finished. "No, that was a d**m nightmare. Sasha..." I was scared I lost her. There was a knock at the door. Who could be at the door? It's 12:47, I  hadn't even been asleep that long. Even so, I needed to calm my nerves. "Come in." I said, looking to the door. 

"Hey, sorry, I just thought I heard you say my name?" Sasha was quiet, to make sure she didn't wake anyone up, and... oh crap she looks cute in a large band tee and sleep shorts-

"Oh no, it's ok... Hey, can I talk to you about something...?"

I didn't say this yet, but I was wondering what she thought about being together.


"You know you can come in. I really haven't unpacked yet, but you can sit on the bed." I was embarrassed that she had to see boxes and other sh*t everywhere, just thrown on the floor. She walked in and just crawled onto the bed.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Sasha asked quietly, regarding me curiously.

"So... I just want you to know anything  that happened in either of our past relationships... I want you and I to forget. I want to be with you, so... Himiko Sasha... will you be... my girlfriend?"

By the time I looked her in the eyes, she was blushing and crying.

"I-I... I don't know what to say... I love you, Dabi. I really hope you aren't like my ex. Ok! I'm willing to give us a chance!" 

She seemed determined, and I was too. She stuck out her hand out and I took it, thinking she wanted to shake hands, but no. She pulled me into a hug. 

That's when she began to bawl her eyes out. I just let her cry. When she stopped, she looked up at me and smiled. I smirked and leaned in.

Then I kissed her. We began to make out, and under my normal dominant instinct, I grabbed the hem of her pants. That's when she pushed me away. She looked scared, and I realized what I did. 

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I just-"

"It's ok, I'm just... not ready for something like that..." Sasha kept a soft tone. Her posture was extremely tense. 

"You should go back to your room before it gets super late..." In truth, I felt horrible for touching her. 

"Can I..." She seemed nervous. I gave her a look to go on. "Can I... s-sleep in here with you tonight?" 

I think I could've put a tomato to shame with how red my face got.

"S-sure, I-I don't see why not. There's a first time for everything."


I let her get comfy before I laid down. I didn't face her at first because I didn't know if she wanted me too. But she tapped my shoulder and asked me if I could. She snuggled into my chest, and I put an arm around her waist. Let's just say that was the best night's sleep I had in years. 

((Hhhhhh Myrah here, sorry this one was so late to update, Writer-Chan insisted I take a break since my own story was driving me crazy. But she's back and so am I so here's the next chapter! 

Devils lover {Dabi x OC}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora