Chapter Three

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CINDER GREW FOND OF her new friends--if she could even call them that--they told her about their families and where they were from.

Scarlet was really from the small town of Reiux in France--which explained her accent--and now lived with her grandmother on their farm outside of the city. Cress too, was from Europe; London, England to be exact. She was adopted by Sybil Mira--Queen Levana's personal assistant and advisor--when she was two years old. Apparently when Princess Winter moved here to go to school, so did the advisor.

Cinder wondered why so many people from different countries came to school here. It didn't make any sense, it's not like it was an international school.

She walked down the hall to her last class of the day: Health in room 2308. She turned a corner as someone rammed into her, knocking her off her feet, and causing her to sprawl out awkwardly on the ground.

"Hey watch where you're going!" She said, quickly picking up her textbook and standing up.

She faced a tall man that seemed too big to be a high schooler. He was probably about 6'2", with tanned skin, black spiky hair, and emerald green eyes. He had faint scars all over his face and wore a black jacket, grey t-shirt, dark jeans, and running shoes.

"Sorry that was my fault," his deep voice sounded. He smiled, though Cinder thought he wasn't sincere.

"It's fine." She ignored anything he was about to say and walked up the stairs. But she she looked behind her shoulder, he was following her. She decided to not pay attention to him and focus on finding the classroom...2304...2306...2308! Here it is!

The class was already half full. She went and sat in one of the ordinary desks near the back. Waiting patiently for the class to begin, she pulled out her phone; another text from Peony was waiting for her.

Peony: Sry Cinder but Pearl and I have drs appts so we have to leave early for school.

Cinder sighed. She didn't ride the bus, she was supposed to ride with Pearl and Peony. She hesitantly replied.

Cinder: Its ok I'll text Iko

Cinder: Hey Iko, Peony has to leave early so i guess we're walking. 

Iko's responded almost immediately

Iko: i have to head straight for work in the opposite direction. sry girl

She put her phone in her pocket and noticed that Kai and Cress were sitting next to her. Scarlet sat between Cress and the guy she had bumped into just minutes ago. Winter and Jacin entered the room as well, taking their seats in the very front of the room.

"So how was tech?" Kai asked from her right.

"It was fine. Mostly rules and expectations, but near the end the teacher taught us about some basic computer programming things--"

"Stuff you already know, I assume?" He smiled. There was this strange gleam in his eyes that made her heart leap.


The bell rang and the students quieted down. The teacher, Mr. Annotel, began telling about his wife and son. He had been speaking for ten minutes when another familiar face walked--more like strut--through the door.

"Ah Mr. Thorne! So glad you could finally join us." The teacher rolls his eyes. "Next time it's a detention."

Thorne mockingly saluted him, "Yes sir."

"Just take a seat in front of Miss Darnel."

Thorne looked around the room and spotted Cress, then went to sit down in front of her.

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