This is the part were you say sorry

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Hope POV
So the School is Down.Almost everyone needs medical treatment. I saw Landon and Sophie. It's still hurts to see him with another person but I really wish him the best and happiness in life. I don't want to ruin his relationship, because I have been gone for awhile now.

Alaric came closer to me

Alaric: "Hope your alright?"

Me: "yes"

Alaric: "I can see that something is bothering you"

Me: "no I'm fine"

Alaric: "don't act tough"

Me: "I'm not"

Josie came towards us.

Josie: "can I talk to Hope?"

Alaric nod and left.

Josie: "I don't know who you are, Hope. But I thought that you were my friend. Since you came, you always created trouble wherever you went. "

Me: "I'm sorry"

Josie: "look around! Everyone is badly hurt. I don't say that it's your fault but we have run into more trouble when you came and not for the past 7 years"

Me: "am sorry"

Josie: "sorry isn't enough"

Josie left. She right. I have brought so much chaos. I've never imagine this life. No one can't remember me. Their life is better without me.

Everything is lost. The school, my friends and my love.

I saw kaleb on the floor.

I was going to help him but he doesn't t want my help.

Alaric came to me.

Alaric: "Hope don't listen to what Josie said. Josie and Lizzie is my world but you is also a part of the Salvatore boarding school for the young and gifted. "

Me: "thank you, but I don't know what to do"

Alaric: "first, we need to help people"

I was thinking a lot of what Josie said.

Alaric: "have anyone seen Lizzie?"

I looked around and saw a hand.

Me: "there is someone here"

It was Lizzie.

She was badly hurt.

Josie looked at me.

Josie: "this is all your fault"

Alaric: "not now girls! "

Josie: "every vampire, werewolf and witches is hurt because of you. No one can heal Lizzie"

I could heal Lizzie but that would mean that am busted. I told them that I am a witch so I need to keep this hiding.

I kept looking at Landon and Sophie.

Josie: "you would never get him. His like a prince and she is the princess. They are such a sweet couple"

Me: "I know"

Peneople came and took Josie hand.

Peneople: "I think you could use some support"

Josie: "thanks"
Josie left and went over to her dad

Peneople: "you should leave Hope! I have seen the way you have looked at Josie. She doesn't like you. For your own good, leave!"

Me: "sorry to say but I'm not into girls."

Peneople: "you should leave. You don't belong here and you have no friends"

She is right.

Peneople left.

I look down at Lizzie. It's now or never. I could compell her to forget.

I gave Lizzie blood. Josie and Alaric didn't see anything and no one saw.

I compell her.

You will say that MG fed you.

Then I find MG to compel him.

We are going to pretend that you gave Lizzie blood so she could heal.

He nod.

I decided to leave. They are all right. I mean I have no friends, Landon is in love with another girl and the twins hates me.

I walked towards the woods.

Josie: "where are u going?"

Me: "you all have right. I don't belong here."

Josie: "I didn't mean it. Everyone belongs at the school. Don't leave"

Me: "why should I stay? I love Landon, but he with another girl! Everything I do turn to dust"

Joise: "I have been harsh on you. But that doesn't mean that you should be Harsh on yourself "

Me: "you can't change my mind"

Josie: "look I know that I have been a bitch towards you, but am actually starting to like you. As a friend. You're not worthless"

Me: "I'm sorry Josie. Tell them all that I'm sorry. Goodbye"

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting for a long time.

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