The secret is out

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Josie POV

I Saw Hope fell on the Ground. What Is happening? She look fine to me 5 minutes ago.

Me: "Hope, Wake up"

My father ran towards me.

We need to get some blood in her system.

Hope eyes opened.

Hope: "I don't have much time left"

Me:"what do you mean?"

Hope:"what I did to Sophie was against the nature. She was supposed to be dead but I safe her with strong and dark magic. I will be dead soon."

Me: "it cant Be true! There alsways a loophole"

Hope: "not this time"

Me: "so you Will Be dead soon?"

Hope: "yearh but don't worry. I will meet you again.

Me: "what does that mean? She is a witch, she is going to die no matter what."

I can't believe that Hope will die. I was starting to have a good connection with her.

Alaric: "we need to get rid of her. She is dead"

Me: "I got a feeling that she isn't dead"

Lizzie: "jo I know that you two hang out a lot lately, but you have to admit that she is dead"

Me: "I will bury her in the woods"

The other nod.

I took her body to the woods.
I start to bury her.

But something happen. She was alive

Me: "what the hell"

Hope: "Josie I can explain"

Me: "you better"

Hope: "okay my name is Hope Andrea mikaelsson. My parents are Haylee Andrea Marshall and Nicklaus Mikkaelsson. I am a tribrid which means that I am a witch, werewolf and vampire. My aunt Freya did a powerful spell, which means that am immortal. I can't die. Am the only one of my kind"

Me: "wow that's a lot to take. So you knew who we were from the beginning?"

Hope: "yes, I jump into Malivore."

Me: "were we friends before you jump into Malivore?"

Hope: "actually yes. We were becoming really good friends"

Me: "okay"

I mean of course I should be grateful that me and Hope, were friends before she jump
Into Malivore, but I was starting to like her. Now I know the truth, everything gonna change.

Hope: "we should get back to the school. I have something to tell them"

Me and Hope walked to the school.

We were outside the school. My head came closer to Hope's head. But something stop us. It was MG.

MG: "it can't be real. You supposed to be dead"

Hope: "I have a lot to tell you"

Our kiss never happen. For a moment I thought that we was gonna kiss, but as always something comes between us.

The others looks surprised to see Hope.
She told them everything!

I am so sorry that's it's been almost 3 months since I post a chapter. But I hope you like this one as much as I do☺️

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