The nature have a balance

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Hope POV
I woke up and i was in a cell. I tried to use magic but it didn't work. Where am I?

Suddenly I could hear a bang upstairs.
I could hear people scream. What is happening.

I could hear someone run down the stairs.
It was Josie.

She looks at me.

Me: "what is happening Josie?"

Josie: "Klaus, Rebekah and Kol is here"

Me: "release me. I can help you"

Josie: "sorry can't. My dad order"

Me: "why am I trapped here?"

Josie: "cut the crap Hope. Tell me the truth, why are you here? Who are you working for?"

Me: "I am telling the truth"

Josie: "I can't talk to you. The others is probably dead by now"

Me: "then open up! I can help"

Josie: "sorry"

Klaus, Rebekah and Kol came down stairs.

Klaus: "you Must be Josie. Alaric's child. Kill her"

Me: "wait! Don't kill her. Kill me instead"

Klaus: "i am not interesting in you but Josie"

Rebekah: "what is your name"

Me: "Hope Mikaelson"

Kol: "that can't be true"

Me: "it is. It's a long story but I can explain. But only if you leave the school"

Klaus: "i don't believe u."

Klaus broke the door.

He found a stake. Not just any stake. It was a white oak stake. The only thing that can kill a originals.

Klaus: "if she is saying who she says she is. Then this stake will kill her."

Kol: "this stake is not worthy of using on her. Just let it go"

Klaus: "am not using on her. I am using this on Josie"

Rebekah: "why would you do that?"

Klaus: "because this stake would kill Josie for all. And making sure that she can't be reserected"

Kol: "you would use this stake in her! It's pafathic Niklaus and you know it"

I need to do something.

Klaus Walk towards Josie. She looks scared. But also a person who knows that it's over.

Klaus had the stake in his hand and was prepared to hit Josie.

I ran in front of her. And suddenly the stake hit me.

Klaus: "damit"

Rebekah: "Klaus we should go before more come"

They were gone.

I was gutted badly.

Josie: "why did you safe me?"

Me: "I don't know! My body move on it's own"

I know am hurt badly.

Josie help take out the stake

It's hurt.
This stake had weakened me.

Josie walked upstairs to look at the others.

I followed. I couldn't believe my own eyes. Alaric was bleeding out. The others had a stake against their heart. But they aren't dead. I didn't feel well. The stake really hit me hard.

Josie ran towards Lizzie. Besides her was Landon and Sophie.

Josie: "sis your okay?"

Lizzie: "I think so"

On the other hand. Sophie didn't look good. She was dead. Landon cried his eyes out.

He looked happy with her.

Josie: "I am so sorry Landon"

I need to do something.

So many needs help. I can't do it myself.

Me: "step away"

Landon: "who do you even think you are?"

Me: "I don't have time. Step away"

They stepped away!

I said the words
Una alorys Ignaz satye

I held my hands on top of Sophie's heart.

This have to work. But this will probably be my last act.

Suddenly she open her eyes.

They couldn't believe their own eyes.

She is here and not dead.

I just want Landon to be happy.

They hugged and kissed. I wish that was me instead of Sophie.

I suddenly vomit blood up.

I am very sick.

Josie: "Hope! Are u alright?"

Me: "yes it was just a one time thing "

I help the others.

Alaric was okay.

Alaric: "what is he doing outside the cell"

Josie: "dad if it wasn't for Hope I would be dead by now"

Alaric: "I still don't trust her"

Me: "I understand! "

Josie: "she just safe Sophie. She is not evil"

What I did to safe Sophie is against the rules.

The nature have a balance.

I feel week and pale.

I am so glad that everyone is safe.

I walked towards Josie.

Me: "I know what you think of me"

Josie: "I really think that your a cool person"

I smiled.
At least someone talk nice to me.

I am afraid to come out.
These last days I have spent them with Josie and she make me realize that it's okay to love same gender.
I know that Josie is pansexual.

I always thought that I was to boys and men but when I have spent the time with Josie am not so sure anymore. She understands and want to talk to me.

Me: "thank you"

Josie: "for what?"

Me: "being nice to me when no one is"

Josie smiled.

I felt really bad. I don't have much time left.

I fell to the ground.

Hey here another chapter. This wasn't so creative and am so sorry for that!

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