Chapter Thirteen

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This book taught me, once and for all, how easily you can escape this world with the help of words! You can find friends between the pages of a book, wonderful friends. Friends that reality won't give you.
-Cornelia Funke

"Holy shit, you're burning up!" My mom squeaks, it's my discharge day and she's still worried.

"Princess, she's always that warm." Dad murmurs, but this is common knowledge. Mom doesn't know how to not worry.

It's obvious I'm in a bad mood after  being in a hospital for a week. 

I hate hospitals and everything about them, but at least I get my own clothing -even if it is just sweatpants and tank tops. 

It doesn't help that Mom won't stop fussing over me, and Asher is nowhere to be seen.

But what did I expect -it's not like we're dating. Still, I would be there for him if he was in the hospital. 

 Plus Xander hasn't come to visit me since he just got his cast off yesterday, so he should be here today. That doesn't mean much seeing as I get to escape today as well.

"Zay, look at her, white paint has more color than her face. She's not okay." Mom continues, which I scowl at. 

"And she is right here." I say, trying to catch their attention. I hate it when people talk about me like I'm not there.

They ignore me. 

Nearly crying out in joy when Alexander walks through the door I shoot of the bed and hold a finger over my mouth, grabbing my IV walker and quickly limping  to my brother. 

If we don't announce anything Mom and Dad will just keep bickering and won't notice I'm gone until it's too late. 

"Damn, you look like death decided to give you a hug." Xander whistles once the door it shut. 

I scowl at him and flip him off, too tired to come up with a decent come back. 

"Would it hurt if I-" His thumb presses into the base of my IV, sending a shooting pain up my arm. "Did that?" 

"Yes, stop it." I tell him, not even having the energy to swat him away. 

"The Cafeteria I'm guessing." He says, looping a arm around my shoulders as I nod. "Ten bucks says you won't make it to the elevators." 


Leave it to my brother to get us lost in the hospital. 



I did make it to the elevators so he owes me money but I now I'm almost falling over. 

Food is nowhere in sight and he refuses to let me lead us -I know exactly where it is. He's proving he's smart enough to get us there. 

"You're gonna have to limp faster than that." Xander tell me, smirking at me. I hit him upside the head the the top of my IV walker then shrug, not bothering to even try and 'limp faster than that.'

"Can you carry me Xander?" I ask after a moment. "I really don't want to pass out again." 

"Yeah." He's a loving brother more than he's a idiot, so he quickly turns around and crouches, motioning for me to get on his back. "Hop on, squirt." 

"Thanks." I giggle, looking around. 

"Where are we?" He asks. 

I'm about to answer, since I actually know, but it's then I see Asher and Link at the end of the hall, looking like they actually know where they're going compared to my idiot of a brother. 

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