Bonus Post-Epilogue

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(Bonus -you get to see the untouched part of Eliza's life.)

Sorry if you dont like it, lol.

Do not read books in the manner of children, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.
-Gustave Flaubert

A loud, obnoxious honk fills the air of the parking lot. Everyone turns to look at it, conversation nearly dying out. Growling out, my hand tightens on the book -Asher's hand automatically goes to my side, mostly to comfort himself than to do anything to me.

Cars stay clear of parking next to us, in fear of me or accidentally touching my bike -instant death.

So a black jeep screeches to a halt in front of my motorcycle and Link's red truck is surprising but more worrying than anything.

Because I know who this jeep belongs to and go rigid, standing from leaning into the golden boy and plant my feet in front of him instead.

The door opens, the pudgent smell of cigarettes fills the air as man shy just two inches of being as large as my father steps out. He turns, eyes sweeping the area before he finds me.

I can tell he's glaring.

Behind me Asher flinches when the cigarette flicks towards me, pointing, as the owner makes a noise of anger at the back of his throat. "Diabla, we need to have a fucking word."

"Dalton." I address him, rolling my eyes as stretch my arms. "What the fuck do you want? This better be good or you'll find your ass beat in the back of a shitty alley for the third time in your no good fucking life. Showing up here isn't allowed, dense motherfucker."

"Trevor's boy-" Lane. "-bet against you again, you shit head." Dalton, the only person I've actually bothered to aquaint myself with at the bar I go to.

The bar I get my mom's informats from, the one I fight at, the worst atmosphere I can be in. The worst kind of people, the worst kind of men.

"Did he now?" I ask, smirking with a raised eyebrow. "How fucking unfortunate."

"You're a dumbass, listen bitch." I growl as he calls me this, making him snort slightly under his breath before taking a quick drag from his cancer-stick. "Olsen and Jasper are betting against you, Lane mentioned something about a blond boy and-"

"The fuck did you just say." This isn't a question, but a underlying threat. "What did Lane say?"

I'm sobered from my smirking attitude quickly, jaw clenching as my sharp teeth dig rather painfully into my bottom lip.

"Exactly why I showed up at this shit-hole, Diabla." Dalton says, pushing up his sunglasses so I can see the brown eyes glaring at me. "You need to fucking come down there, Lane won't let up about the bullshit he's spouting. I don't know how he found out about that blondie of yours, but I just know he's mad. Have you let it slip?"

"I haven't been to that fucking place in a while. I've never been there when we've been together, and I would fucking know if some dick was spying on me. Always have." I pause, jaw snapping as I go to speak but slam my teeth back together. "How long has that douche been talking for?"

"A good three months." Dalton says, flicking ashes to the ground before pointing at me again. "I waited as long as I could before telling you."

"You're shit-stupid Dalton." I say instead of a thank you. "Tell that lame fucking excuse for a human being that I said eleven, and if he's too scared to show up he has to leave all that shit behind. And if you ever show up here again, there will be fucking hell to pay." I back this with a growl, one he takes seriously.

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