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Shanice Walker gives Bree instructions to stay calm as the officers arrest her.

Mrs. Walker:
I'll call your mom to come get you.

Trinity Walker:
Oh my God!

She has never seen her friend behave this way. Attacking and on-duty officer and destroying his property was so unlike Bree Smith. But soon she notices the blood on her hand reminiscent of what happened with Tiara.

They put Bree in the back of their police car. Malik and Mr. Walker follow them outside as Mrs. Walker runs into the next room to use the phone in order to get in contact with Ms. Smith.

Trinity goes to her room and sees that her phone battery is fully charged. She puts on a change of clothes then gets her phone when she goes back downstairs she witnesses Malik also being arrested which sends her into a frenzy.

Tears splash from the corners of her eyes as her parents hold her back.

She's crying hysterically as Mrs.Walker comforts her in her bedroom. Her phone starts ringing when her mom leaves the room and she goes to answer—you die! The voice on the other end said.

Tears in her eyes all dry upon hearing this.

Int. Abandoned house - Night.

Lamont King awakens with a throbbing headache pulsating through his skull. He sits up rubbing a shaky hand over the large knot on his head. Suddenly he recalls the incident that occurred between Trinity and him.

His stomach growls as he gets back to his feet.

The abandoned home was dark so he uses the phone for light. Rats and cockroaches scurry around the room when the bright light flashes on them. He goes over to his little stash and pulls out a snack right as a call came through.

Trinity's name pops up on the screen.

He presses the pastry against his dry lips then answers hearing nothing but heavy breathing.

Lamont King:
Who is this?

A tapping noise from across the room caught his attention. He hung up and went over to check things out. What he thought was the sound of a tap quickly turns into ringing.

Lamont looks around slipping on his own feet as he lands on the creaky floorboard still hearing the noise. He brings his knees to his chest while scooting against the wall.

Sweat once again begin to accumulate as he now covers his ears while burying his head between his legs, yet he could still hear the ring.

He even tried stuffing pieces of his torn shirt into his ears as earplugs but that was no use.

Soon he gets the bright idea to turn on live chat as hundreds of his followers bombard the video asking if he killed Amy and also for his whereabouts.

Lamont King:
(Holding up phone camera.)
I don't know what's going on, but I do know that I d-did not kill Amy. Please don't believe the lies they're spreading about me. I'm innocent... mama if you're watching this I'm sorry.

He adjusted the camera on the floor then stood looking around for a brick. Soon he found one and jammed it against his face as all his followers watched on—stunned.

One by one his teeth slips from his mouth ending up everywhere including his throat. But that didn't stop him he continues. The bones in his nose collapse sending blood shooting from his nostrils and splashing on the phone.

Lamont King falls backward after one last blow to the face. He dies by choking on his own blood and teeth.

The police discover his body the next day with the phone still in his hold—they check through it and spot Trinity's number as his last known call.



Bree Smith explains everything she knows so far to Malik Watson and the officers from the backseat of the police car. Neither of them believes her story, yet that doesn't stop her from rambling about the phones.

Bree Smith:
It's the phone we're all going to die for Christ sakes don't answer it!

The police officer driving the car reaches over and gets Malik's ringing phone from him as Bree tries to bite his hand away.

Police officer #2:
You're just asking for 30 days behind bars, huh, girly?

Police officer #1:
(Answers call.)
What kind of sick game are you playing?!

Bree Smith:
Please don't!

He hangs up the phone and a frown overtakes his features while he drives. Bree tries to break free from the handcuffs as they are approaching a red light. The officer at the wheel swipes his hand over his forehead.

Police Officer #1:
Y'all hear something?

Before anyone can think of a response he revs up the engine then races off crashing through a caution sign on side of the road as the car flips over and bursts into abrupt flames.


Trinity Walker returns to the abandoned house early the next day to talk to Lamont King. That's when she spots his dead body being dragged out on a stretcher towards an ambulance truck. And a lot of police officers around.

One of them recognizes her causing her to run.

She got to a bus stop and remembered what Bree said prior to getting arrested as she waited on a bus to arrive.

Due solely to boredom she starts taking her phone apart looking for anything that would let her know where exactly it came from. For it was one of a kind—a special hi-tech model that she at one point felt happy to have owned.

Now when she looks at it all she sees is the list of contacts she has of dead people on her phone.

The bus parks in front of her as she pays her fair then sits. The words Talk Tell.Inc is sketched into the back of the phone. She researches this business and finds a location.

Trinity Walker:


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