I Love To Think Thoughts

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I Love To Think Thoughts

I love to think
Big thoughts
And small thoughts,
About the world inside my head
As it lies on a pillow in my bed.

It may be of leaves or a rock,
Harsh or kind,
I don't really mind---
It whispers anyway,
Whether here with me or gone astray.

I love to think of thoughts.
I think they love to think about me.
Behind blind eyes, they love to see
So many worlds away;
They love to play.

They love to reach my heart.
Sometimes I don't like that.
They play with it roughly like a cat
and a rat.
Sometimes they caress it;
Perhaps they deserve some sort of merit.

I love to think about thoughts,
And dance with dreams just out of my reach,
Yet in my grasp, running through my fingers like sand on a beach.
Capsizing others like ships
As waves of emotion; sometimes just white strips.

I relish in thinking thoughts.
They love to inspire me.
They love to help me see.
I write what they say,
And speak what they portray.

Sometimes thoughts can hurt.
Sometimes all I chase is shadows
When I sit and think in the heavens and the gallows.
My thoughts come in the wind,
Or shifting shades of sunlight, silent as a friend.

My thoughts come in colors,
So many shades of hues.
Sometimes it's purple, red, or blues,
Strange demons of black or white angels - in nothing they lack.
Swirling round and round,
Back to one and then on to a new one.
Sometimes it's a flight, for others a fast run,
Spurred by song drifting in smoke over trees,
Or a rapid drum filled with distant pleas.

Remember some thoughts,
Forget others.
It is a constant choice with one and another's.
Which thoughts are yours?
And which thoughts are plagues inside your cores?

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