A Mother Is...

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A Mother is someone who's as kind as a warm fire in the depths of a cold, winter's night,
Yet is protective when it comes along to fright.
She is as soft as rose petals,
But is tough like an iron kettle.

A Mother is the heartbeat of your soul,
And the flame to your coal.
She's the one who keeps you steady when you fall,
And the eye when you start to crawl.

A Mother never lies unless it's for hiding Christmas presents;
And in the sky, she's the face of the glowing, white crescent.
The one hovering over there, can't you see it?
I do, up above the steel spit.

A Mother is someone who would sacrifice herself only for you.
She would climb the highest mountain and cross the deepest oceans of blue,
Fly on the backs of dragons in your storybooks,
And kiss you goodnight, checking for
monsters within the small crannies and nooks.

A Mother is the best cook you could afford,
And makes sure she does all the chores.
Always wanting to make you satisfied, warm and glad,
And never wanting to leave you freezing and sad.

A Mother is someone who you can cry on when times are hard,
The one who always forgives, with eyes as sharp as glass shards.
They shimmer with love, and wisdom that flies free,
And is always there, for you and for me.

A Mother is the true Queen of your kingdom,
She'll guard you against the evil that is to come.
One of such resonating light and beauty,
and a knight with a shining sword,
With songs and tales of a time once forgotten, and a heart made of gold.

A Mother is your storyteller and caretaker,
The one who gives you big hugs like a bear.
And always make sure you share...
Except when it's her famous cookies in a teddy bear jar.

A Daughter is the one who loves her Mother,
no matter how many mistakes she makes.
The one who returns the kisses and helps with everything she bakes.
A true Mother also knows how to handle sass,
By grabbing that wooden spoon and spanking your...butt.

A Mother knows that love is no trick,
And gives you cartoons and the couch when you're sick.
And there to give advice when it's most needed,
And going through all that she did just to have you,
the one to the Lord for whom she pleaded.

She's always there, laughing along with you,
Teaching all she can, before you can become one too.

I love you, Mom!

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