The Path of the Bold

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The Path of the Bold

Through hardships untold
And shadows unnumbered,
I will walk the path less taken:
The Path of the Bold.

It is narrow and barren of step
The door is less pleasing too.
That's why you need armor to walk it,
And the Sword stretching at your bicep.
When you take it, never again will your soul long sit.

"Word" is in "sword" for a reason:
It cuts to the bone
And shreds with a shining blade,
Opening hearts to their treason.
Death will not come to them, no matter how much they bade.

Across the shimmering seven seas,
On the wings of the dawn when I rise,
Even though I make my bed in the shadowy depths,
I know of one Man who will hear my pleas.

Though the sun may never shine
And the valley is filled with death,
Never will I stumble,
For I hold the hand of the Divine.
So why do we grumble?

Quiet will be the oncoming storm.
Not all will notice its arrival.
But from my hill on the Path of the Bold
I shall watch as the tempest takes form.
And the sun will go out with its gold.

To the Wars, I say this,
To all weapons forged against me, I profess:

A fire is within me that cannot be quenched,
Even when stamped to an ember
And left dwindling to a soft glow,
My spirit will still find the Vine unwrenched.
It will still tell me to go.

I draw from this well within the depths of my being.
From roots, it spreads in living water.
My skin covers its truth
Too powerful; To keep those blind from becoming unseeing.
The thief into the sleuth.

Though hardships are untold,
And the rocks shake under my feet,
Though my flame be a single tail,
I will still walk the Path of the Bold.
Brighter than starlight shall shine my mail.

Through thy emerald gaze, I shall see
All the plans put forth to me.
Dragons beware and the seas! may they be foretold.
Christ is coming from the Path of the Bold.

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