Somewhere Beyond the Moon

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Somewhere beyond the moon
Of mist and of things to happen soon,
They say is a land over the clouds,
Beyond the moon where upon it its light shrouds.

Where in this land things dwell
Some are not so swell.
Dragons and mountains in the sky
Made of the tears the clouds themselves cry.

Ice and fire they can glow,
Or dark gray moving slow.
In the shadows around them the stars sit
Among hallowed hills and valleys, a black pit.

Wisps of cloud in a dark sky,
Behind them a moon so high.
I wonder what's over it
What's beyond the diamond grit?

They could be cities or ships set long afloat
Where to them goes your dreamboat.
Or are the ships of space or sunset water
Drifting between the turn of light and its slaughter?

What creatures may swim?
What things may bring upon a star's dim?
They could hop from one island of white,
Or watch the world in a sleepless plight.

A world of adventure could await
Or one of perils so great.
I would go anyhow
In an airship or wings, but not right now.

For even though I yearn for flight,
The time is just not right.
I belong on the ground...
But I still wish for the wind to cut me unbound.

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