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Fine, small particles slowly precipitate down and greet the ground

A thin layer of snow is covering the scene like a white, comfy blanket

The only color that contrasts is that of the berries, a deep mesmerizing purple

There is nothing but peace and quiet

In the distance, quick rustles are heard around a bush and a small animal hides underneath

Out of nowhere, a man carrying a worn out, brown bag over his shoulder appears

The bag is touching the snow, leaving a trail of blood with every step the man takes

He's just finished his routinely hunting, a mere sacrifice to provide for his family

He grunts along the way but smiles as soon as he reaches the cabin, the fireplace warming him up as he closes the heavy door

It's nearly impossible for the snow to remain as it once was

Nothing ever remains perfect, flaws will come along the way but at the end it shows the journey along with its burdens and growth


A/N: Thank you all for the votes and sweet comments! It means so much to me to receive feedback and support from you guys. It motivates me even more to keep doing what I love most, writing. Please comment & vote, and above all take care.
P.S. Happy Father's Day to all the amazing fathers around the world!

The Forgotten Side of the MoonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang