Travel Back in Time

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Why don't we...

Sneak out at night while our hearts are racing to our favorite spot

And feel the fresh night breeze hit our faces as we smile at the sky above us

Lay on the cold ground by the lake and I know it's uncomfortable but I don't care

We soon forget and get lost in our eyes, which resemble a galaxy, you had told me

I look up to the sky and start to believe your words as we get lost in the stars

Our hands touch and intertwine, I can hear the sound of our rapid heartbeats in the air

And I know I am safe because I am with you

Just you and I, with the pale moon looking down at us with a delightful light

Oh, let's travel back in time and get drunk in these moments, the good old times

The Forgotten Side of the MoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ