Page 1, Chapter 1 - "As time could tell"

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Once upon a time in a familiar but magical induced world of imagination and to create a setting, the story takes place in the country a forested town with a small community and it is in the year of 2019. The story will start off...well now of course!

So there were three kids wandering together throughout the forest near their hometown, they wandered the moonlit forest with pure imagination and curiosity. As the kids wandered the glistening and truly magical forest, they came upon a strange and peculiar glowing bottle lying on the ground in-front of them. One of the three kids built up enough courage to walk over to the bottle and pick it up, which revealed the glowing liquid contents inside of it. As the one kid examined the bottle and its strange and magical looking contents, the other two kids looked over and ganged up on the child with the bottle and dared him to open the bottle and drink the liquid inside it. So out of peer pressure and sheer stupidity, he of course denied it and said to the other two kids. "No, I'm not going to drink it" and the other two kids said back to him "Why not? Are you being chicken?! You know that we'll make fun of you if you don't do this!!" the kid holding the bottle gulped whatever saliva that was left in his mouth at the time as he looked at the bottle and slowly twisted the cap off showing the strange liquid contained inside. The other two kids started to chant "Drink it!!! Drink it!! Drink it!!!" and then the kid with the bottle then took a deep breath and held the lid opening of the bottle against his lips and began to chug the liquid down, swallowing it quickly. Once he finished drinking every last drop of the liquid, the other two kids looked at him surprised that he had actually completed the task. The two kids "Y-Y-You actually...drank it..."  The kids had begun to panic as the kid that had drank the strange liquid inside the bottle.  The pressured child had dropped the bottle onto the ground, shattering it to pieces. The kid had then fallen to his knees and began to cough as his body clearly tried to rid itself of what it had just consumed. 

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