Page 3, Chapter 1 - "Inevitability of time"

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As the kid wandered through the forest just a few feet from the road, staying behind the trees to remain hidden from any people that drove passed. He heard a strange and peculiar noise coming from the right of him as he kept walking. The noise grew louder which caught his attention, he then began to change his direction towards this strange sound in which he then stumbled upon a pair of crimson red glowing eyes that were in-between two trees with the rest of its connected body hidden by the fog in-front of it, only leaving a silhouette of it's monstrous shape. The kids stomach grew with a strong sense of fear which led him to turn around and start running until he stumbled over a branch on the forest floor and he crawled up back against a tree in fear as he looked around taking deep shaky breaths. There was nothing to be seen wherever he had looked. The kid brought himself back to his feet as he ran back to the side of the road that he had been following and earlier. "What was that?..." he asked to himself under his shaky breath as he came upon his home town and headed towards his home. He came upon his front door as he then said under his breath, "I've been gone for two mother is gonna be freaked out" and as his hand twisted the slightly creaky door handle and opened the door, his mother was in the dining room which was in sight of the door, she turned her head to the sound of the door and saw her son standing there and just about to walk in as her eyes widened with a few tears running down her cheeks and got up going to hug him immediately. "Oh my gosh Kyle! Don't ever do that to me again!!!" she said as her arms were firmly wrapped around Kyle. "C'mon mom, I'm fifteen you don't need to worry about me this much. I was just out with Tyler and a few other friends alright?" Kyle said to his mother as she kissed his forehead and wiped her tears away with a sniffle. "I know son...I'm sorry, just you need to contact me next time whenever you plan to stay away for that long alright?"...Linda said back to Kyle. "Yeah Yeah mom. Kyle then went up the stairs and went into his room where he sat down and plopped back into his bed and stared at the ceiling in deep wandering thought of what had just happened last night with the strange liquid he drank and what had happened to him afterwards. It confused him but he just let out a shrug and went to sleep to prepare for high school which came the next day. 

The last tick of timeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum