Amongst the Flowers Part 1

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Welcome to my Star Wars fanfic! Despite Disney owning the rights to the SW universe, all the characters are from my own creation along with most of the planets (Edenia) and animals/plants.

Star Wars: A New Rebellion is set 100 years after Episode IX and 38 years after the Battle for Order (which is a battle I created) so a total of 138 years in the future of the SW universe.

The proper pronunciation for Zara ^

 Anyways, enough with the explanations, please enjoy!


138 ABY

38 ABO

Zara sat amongst the flowers, plucking a strand of grass from the garden and tying it into a tight
knot. Brilliant blue skies clasped onto the tropical haze in the air, humidity rising higher as the
sun broke through a single cloud. Zara sat on the damp grass from last night's rainfall, water
droplets still clinging onto the tiny strands of green. She sighed, growing aggravated of the
silence that hung in the air. If only something would happen, a twist of excitement that could
clear a Sith away from the hungry crave of adventure.

Zara paused, looking up at the surrounding bushes which were all different species, some
carrying delicate golden flowers that smelled of sweet honey. Almost predicting the sudden
movements, a Cokay appeared, the small creature unable to sneak up on the young Sith. Zara
immediately jumped up, startled, expecting a savage beast. The girl's gasp frightened the animal, it's silky green fur slipping away back into the bushes. Zara's scowl softened into a smile and began to walk towards the hidden Cokay. The grass crushed beneath her boots, multiple flowers being pressed down unto the soil. Zara's cape draped behind her back, as she squatted down to search for the terrified creature.

"Sh, it's ok," Zara said cooly, dipping her head back and forth, scanning the bushes for the hint
of the Cokay. "I'm not going to hurt you," She paused, straining to listen for any rustling bushes.

The calm words did no justice though, the mysterious animal still hidden from Zara's line of vision. Her shaking hand was pulled out from under the blanket of the cape and touched the tips of the leaves that filled the bush. Touching the bush with her fingertips, her hand moved away some of the small branches, containing the movements slowly in order to find the soft creature.

Suddenly, a heavy presence came from behind her, bringing a cloud of chaos over Zara's calm
thoughts. Zara whipped her head around to stare at the frightening man.

"Hello daughter," Emperor Abbadon snarled, disgusted by his daughter's kindness and of the
uncompleted task he had assigned her. The powerful Force user stalked behind Zara, about 5 feet away and under the dark shadows of the Marengo tree. It's pink and orange leaves swayed in the breeze, occasionally tapping Emperor Abbadon's shoulder.

"Good morning father," Zara said, barely over a whisper, unease in her voice.
Zara quickly turned her head back around to stare at the bushes, small gasps of breathes sucking the surrounding air into her lungs.

Standing her ground, Zara remained squatted, hovering above the grass, gathering enough courage to turn her head around once again and look at her father in the eye.

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