Stars on the Horizon Part 2

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138 ABY

38 ABO

"I'm Zara," She said flatly, waiting for the boy to respond.

Seth bit his cheek, and glared at the girl named Zara. Something about her was mysterious yet intoxicating. He was intrigued by her presence and an unknown force allowed him to take the weapon out of her hands. He shifted the blaster from his right to his left and stuck out his hand.

"I'm Seth. Seth Gordon, pilot for the Emerald Phoenix," He said, waiting for Zara to shake his hand.

He watched as she moved her head downwards to look at his hand hovering between them. She then raised her head back to its original position and turned around to step back down.

Seth's mouth gaped open, wandering why Zara ignored his hand shake, it was only a friendly gesture.Zara's mouth turned into a scowl as she faced away from the rebel.

"I know everything about you flyboy and I don't do handshakes," She said, her back facing away from Seth.

"Ok then," Seth said, running a hand through his hair. Zara was feisty for being so quiet. He stared at her back anticipating for her to say something back only to be met with silence in his ears.He watched as Zara paced to the exit, inches away from triggering the doors.

He jumped down the remaining steps from the platform, ignoring the shook that came from the interrogation chair."Whoa," Seth said, racing up to Zara's side, their shoulders inches away from touching. "The bucket heads are outside guarding the room."

Zara looked up at the boy, his face only a silhouette under the dim lighting of the circular room.She cursed under her breath before responding. "I already took care of them,"

Seth paused, his mouth closing. He nodded and gripped the blaster harder, his fingers beginning to turn white. His eyes averted from the doors to the girl while they both walked out of the room.

Zara's first task was complete. She had successfully talked and helped the rebel, even allowing him to gain access to a weapon. Except for the hardest part, escaping Himma Base. She had complete confidence in herself along with her Force abilities. However, her thoughts drifted over to Seth, his incompetence might not allow them to escape.

She felt a close proximity to her body and looked up at the rebel standing next to her. Both teenagers had reached the hallway, blasters in hand, preparing for an attack from anyone.Zara came to find that the hallway was empty, not a stormtrooper in sight. She sucked an inhale of fresh air and walked forwards.

Seth began to follow Zara, millions of questions filled his mind about this girl. She singlehandedly snuck into Himma Base, freed him from his holding cell and used the Force, an incredible feat. She was unlike anyone he has ever met, no one intrigued him more. As he followed closely behind Zara, he noticed all her features, taking advantage of the light in the hallway. Raven colored hair was draped against her. Her hair had slight curls at the end as it reached her mid-back.

Zara could feel Seth's eyes roam up the backside of her body. An instant blush fell upon her cheeks when she stopped before turning the corner of the hallway. She turned around, breaking the heavy daze in the rebels eyes.

Seth blinked when he saw Zara's face came into view, she was breathtaking. In the dark holding cell, it was impossible to see her face but in the brightness of the corridor, he stared.

Hazel met emerald as Seth stared at Zara, already mesmerized with her incredible eyes. As they stood in the hall, her emerald eyes caught the lights, playing tricks with anyone or anything that dared to look Zara's way. Her iris held specks of a light green that spiraled around her pupil. And when she lifted her pale face, he could see a slight dusting of black freckles scattering her cheeks, and the top of her pink hued nose.She was stunning.

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