Stars on the Horizon Part 3

23 1 0


138 ABY

38 ABO

Zara jumped at the sudden thought from the Officer, and almost released her hold on all everyone's mind. She breathed heavily, and shook slightly from all the effort. Mindlinking this many people caused exhaustion to creep into her mind. She pushed everyone's thoughts towards her tiredness and begged herself to ignore it. Zara could rest later, after the task of escaping was complete.

"Seth, the bridge," She shuddered, managing to find her voice.

Seth perked up and turned his head to stare at Zara. He creased his eyebrows in concern at Zara's scrunched up face. He could sense the pain that was displayed and wanted to help guide her into the bridge.

His hand hovered over her shoulders until he felt eyes on his face. He averted his hazel pupils downwards to look at Zara. Her eyes were now open and her face was relaxed. Seth's suspicions rose when he could see the pain cowering behind her cold green eyes.

She scowled at him, turned her focus to the bridge and walked into the room. Her once raised arms from using the Force, where down at her sides except for her palms which continued to spread out.

Seth stumbled behind Zara, almost frightened to go into a bridge filled with the statue like figures. The offices and troopers were frozen and their limbs hovered in mid air from completing their tasks.

As he walked further into the control room, Seth noticed the number of officers that hovered over the holotable, their hands pointing at the multiple colorful projections. Fingers pointed to different planets and starships, some even following the dotted line that led to Edenia.

The views of Republic City were very dominant in the room, the light flooding from the tropical day even through the tinted transparisteel windows. Seth breathed heavily, a sigh of relief after being shrouded in darkness while in the holding cell. He was pleased to see that Edenia's stunning views had not changed since his last visit.

Seth lost in his own mind had not noticed Zara standing in front of the transceiver and her Force boomed across the room.

His hand swung his blaster back and forth as he walked over towards Zara, and his other hand was casually resting on the extra material of his holster. Seth lifted his head up slightly,appearing taller over Zara. He noticed her shaking hand that slowly typed the code into the panel of the transceiver, the comlink rattling on her wrist.

The transceiver was a cube shaped, durasteel machinery, containing 2 smaller tiers that sat on top of the main one. A large half dome sat on the very top, it's main purpose for projecting the holograms of the caller. Seth made a mental note that his crew had turned the holo cam off their own transceiver, it was hard to pinpoint the location of the call when they received one.

Zara's vision began to swim when staring at the control panel located on the right side of the transceiver. Her shaking hands made it almost impossible to type in the correct access code, not to mention the annoyance the Force 's grip on everyone's minds in the room.

She tried to ignore the rebel staring down at her and her hitched breath. Zara could not give into the exhaustion and pain, she was taught countless times that a weak will power would lead to failure.

A loud click accompanied the complete passcode and Zara smirked at the small success. She turned towards Seth, hopefully the rebel could prove helpful in this situation.

Her eyes noticed the dirty blonde hair in the room, which held a golden hue due to the sunlight streaming in from the city. She watched the the indents in his cheeks appear, the dimples forming every time the rebel smirked. And his hazel eyes held different speaks of brown and green,creating a breathtaking color. The bleach white jacket outlined his broad shoulders and framed his muscular body. Zara would never admit this to anyone unless it was to own thoughts but she felt her face heat up as she watched Seth.

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