Stars on the Horizon Part 1

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138 ABY

38 ABO

"I want you to find Gar,"

Zara shot her eyes up from the ground. She must have heard her father words wrong, surely he would never let her leave Edenia.

"If they get their hands on that planet, they would have access to Jedi culture," The Emperor snarled. "Culture that needs to be exterminated."

Zara was shocked. The Emperor, her father, wanted to send her on a mission. It was crazy, a silly idea. She was going to claim it was a joke, yet it was the Emperor of the First Order, there was no jokes.

"Father, I'm honored," Zara stuttered, trying to find her words. She concentrated on her father's silhouette from the holo, and his cold touch on her shoulder.

The Emperor stared at his daughter. "Your mission is to befriend the boy and act as a fellow rebel. I will track your commlink and no matter the distance between us, I will always know your location" Abbadon said, making clear his plan to bring down the Emerald Phoenix.

Zara scowled, the idea of befriending the rebel was a ridiculous idea. She always wanted to escape the surface of Edenia but not befriend the enemy.

"There must be another way, I cannot befriend the enemy," Zara spoke, a sour taste in her mouth.

Emperor Abbadon laughed. "To befriend the enemy, is to defeat them," The Emperor said, growing uncomfortable of touching his daughter's shoulder.

How will you contact me if I find Gar?" Zara questioned, confused on how her father would obtain the coordinates without the crew uncovering her true identity.

Commlinks were only used for short distance communication, and the further away the users, the less likely the comms could pick up one another's signals. Even if Zara was able to use the transceiver on the rebels ship, communicating with her father could not remain undetected by the crew. Zara thought about any possible explanation her father could respond to her question, and she held her breath when her father spoke.

"I have my ways," Abbadon smirked, his hazel eye gleaming with ideas. "There is no need to worry my child."

Zara was taken aback by the answer but she trusted her father despite the lack of answers to her pondering questions. Abbadon was the Emperor after all, and Zara needed to put her faith in him for the ultimate success on this mission.

Zara began to think for a moment. While this mission was her only chance to leave Edenia, she would have to spy on the rebel group. If she got caught-

"Yes father, I accept the mission," Zara said, interrupting her own thoughts. This mission was a great opportunity, she could not abandon the offer. It was a way to defeat the enemy and please her father, she would win in the end.

Zara felt her father's icy hand drop from her shoulder and return back to his side. He smirked and turned on his heal, stalking away towards the exit of the throne room. The large holo planet of Gar disappeared and the massive map began to flicker out and then was gone.

Red lights encasing the room turned back on, and Zara watched as her father lifted his hand up towards the doors. He summoned the Force to open the durasteel and turned his attention to the guards beginning to march into the center. She looked around her and realized the meeting was over.

Zara quickly grabbed behind her back and lifted the hood over her head once again, covering her dark hair. The cloth only revealed her lips, concealing her eyes and nose from anyone around her.

She sprinted past the guards, the wind catching her robe as she ran to reach her father. When she came up behind him, she heard Abbadon whisper.

"Do not fail me Lady Gray, you have only once chance to find Gar," The Emperor said, his back facing towards the corridor.

Zara scowled, her father already had his doubts. "I will not fail you my Emperor," Zara said confidently.

The Emperor shook his head and sighed, moving his feet to exit the room. He felt his daughter leave in the opposite direction. Father and daughter separating from their previous conversation.

Finding Gar and destroying the Emerald Phoenix was a difficult task. One that Abbadon himself knew his daughter could handle. She had trained for this mission for years, it was her fate to find Gar. He could feel it in the Force. He had to rely on his daughter to hopefully spy on the rebels and gain the coordinates to Gar without blowing her cover. It was a simple task for him at least. Yet, time would only tell when Zara would come back, hopefully with the rebels arrested and the coordinates in hand.

After an uneventful ride in the turbo lift, Zara made her way back to her barrack, thoughts of her father's words racing through her mind.

This boy, Seth Gordon and the Emerald Phoenix all made Zara curious for more information. She was ecstatic for this mission, and the feeling of responsibility was slightly overwhelming. The idea of leaving the surface of Edenia for the very first time was thrilling.

As a child, she would watch painfully has her father left in the massive starships, with tears in her eyes from the ground below. Sachr would always watch her during her father's absence and the thought of the Admiral sent shivers down her spine. She always believed she would never leave Himma Base and get to explore the galaxy until now.

Not to explore, more like spying on the Emerald Phoenix. She would never go against her father's command. Her mission was simple, gain the crew's trust all while finding the coordinates to Gar. It was all simple, yet she could not predict the future.

Zara pulled out of her thoughts to stop at her barrack, almost missing the entrance. She stopped and turned to the side, keeping in mind of the passing troopers who stared at her from behind. She raised her hand to pull her hood down even more over her face and then brought the other hand to the control panel.

Her fingers glided over the touch screen, hitting the numerous numbers on the keypad that all formed a passcode to her private quarters. She had the code memorized in her head, and when she looked up, she glanced down the long white hallway, anticipating for something incredible to happen.

Yet, she was just Lady Gray, standing at the blaster doors. A young girl covered in a black cloak, nothing special and unknown to everyone around her. She sighed and before she could think more about her boring life, the doors slid open.

Zara stepped into the darkness of her quarters and reached for the panel inside the room and located on the right side of the doorway. She fumbled around for a second, her eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room.

The blaster doors behind her closed with a hiss and she was now enveloped into darkness. She flung her head back towards the doors and the quick action caused her hood to fall off. She cursed quietly to herself and threw her hands up to the wall, feeling for the switch that would turn any light on in her quarters.

Suddenly, the lights came on, a small click accompanying the brightness. Zara jumped and spun around to face the room. A large bed sat in the center, her sheets still wrapped in a ball from this morning. Built in shelves accompanied the white walls, different shapes and panels lining the bedroom ceiling. From the far left of the room, held another door leading to the refresher.

Zara scooted past the doorway and turned her attention to the first set of clothes that were on her shelves near the blaster doors. She unclipped her cloak and tossed it to the side, the material falling on top of her bed.

Her required clothing for her rank was all dark. Black trousers, shirt, holster and a gigantic cloak that covered her body and face. Zara never paid close attention to her outfit choices, but becoming a rebel, she had to play the part. Her thoughts drifted off to the color of the crest, green and white. She hummed in a amusement at the color choices and picked up the few shirts she had, looking for anything of those options.

Standing on the tips of her feet, she gazed at the top shelf, pulling down a green shirt. She grabbed the cloth, tucking it under her armpit as she reached for a pair of white trousers. The attire was definitely going to be different.

She scowled and walked into the refresher, the blaster doors flying open once detecting her presence. When they closed again, Zara began to change, taking off the old trousers and shirt. Her saber tucked in the leather binding clanked against the countertop of the sink as she set down her holster, making Zara flinch from the loud noise.

The thought of bringing her lightsaber was tempting, it was a useful weapon. However, the blade was a scarlet red, the color of the Sith. Even displaying the saber would bring her unwanted attention not to mention blow her cover as a spy.

She sighed, realizing she had to leave the saber behind. She had no real attachment to the weapon, it was just another gift given to her by the Emperor. A true saber was given when she was to become Empress. Besides, the saber contained artificial kyper crystals, they were only fake. Therefore, she had no choice but to leave her favorite weapon behind and trade it in for a blaster.

Once she pulled her shirt on, and trousers, she looked up from slipping her boots on.
Zara stared at her reflection in the mirror, cocking her head to the side. The shirt was a dark green color with sleeves that stopped above her elbows. A V shaped neckline revealed her pale skin, something she was never comfortable with showing off before. The white trousers held gray strips that went under her holster, and continued down both sides of the material on her legs until it stopped when it reached her black boots. With every quick movement, her comlink gleamed under the refresher's lights and dug into the skin of her wrist.

Without the cloak, her body felt different, more exposed to the galaxy. She had mixed opinions on wearing the hood but made no arguments when it came to hiding her body. The cloak in a way shielded her from the prying eyes of men on the base along with anyone who would judge. It provided protection and was a safe place for Zara to sink into when her father came around.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, adjusting the curls on the ends. Her black freckles acted as stardust, and spread across her cheeks, while her green eyes pierced through the mirror. She never paid much attention to her appearance but with spying, every detail was important.

She jumped out of the blaster doors, and back into the main area where her bed laid. Her hand grabbed the edges of the cloak that laid on her bed, remembering to pull the cloak back over herself, along with the hood. She was going to help the boy escape which meant walking through the halls of Himma Base. She wouldn't want to raise suspicions by sneaking around with informal clothing.

She then grabbed her blaster that sat on one of the shelves, waiting to be placed into her holster. Ready to go, Zara casually exited her quarters for the last time. Well, at least until she got back from her mission.

As she paced out of the room, Zara turned on her heel to turn down the right side of the hallway. She avoided the stares coming from the troopers that passed, their weapons in hand. Her cloak flew out behind her as she began to pump her legs faster and faster. The hood that hid her face rose upward to allow her eyes to see her surroundings. A scowl formed on her face as she strode down the hallway confidently, anticipation swelling inside her stomach.

While growing up on Himma Base, Zara memorized the entire blueprint of the Base. Spending her day inside gave her countless hours to attend to her studies, gaining any knowledge she might need to obtain as a future leader. It was a useful skill, and despite all the training, she loved learning about the galaxy and its creatures.

She knew a lot about the Resistance and it's goal, thus she assumed the Emerald Phoenix's intentions for the galaxy were the same. All rebel groups wanted to see was the downfall of the First Order, yet no matter how many times they failed, the rebels would lose out in the end.

Zara's feet carried her to the holding cells, and interrogation rooms, the troopers standing beside one door lifting their heads to stare at her. She shifted uncomfortably and stopped outside the holding cell, wanting to grab her weapon. If the troopers would not move out of her way and let her pass, she could easily use violence.

Thoughts of her training flashed through her mind and before Zara could comprehend her actions, she called upon the dark Force.

Zara felt the Force around her, zooming in and out of her body and mind, gaining her access to feel all the presences in the hallway. Her attention hovered towards the troopers standing outside of Cell 1977B, blasters pointed upwards and brought to their chest. She could feel their prying eyes directed towards her body as she marched down the hallway.

She noticed their bodies moved to stand upright, and the armor tensed slightly when she arrived. With or without the Force, Zara could tell the troopers were afraid. She smirked, their fear bringing her more confidence for completing this task.

She cleared her throat, and stood in front of the troopers, eyeing the door as she spoke.

"You will hand me your weapons and leave," Zara said, closing her eyes. She concentrated on the Force and stretched out her hand, allowing the Force to pull the weak minded stormtroopers into a trance.

She could feel each individual thought of the troopers mind's as they clashed inside her brain. Zara bit on her lip hard, she always despised mind tricks, hating to read or influence others minds. It seemed to always be a difficult task, only because practicing this technique was impossible. Although, here she was, her hand outstretched in front of her victims and standing in the middle of the hallway, begging that no one would disturb this situation.

She felt the rustling of the stormtroopers, and a mechanical voice speak.  "We will hand you our weapons and we will leave," the troopers repeated, moving their blasters from their hands and into Zara's that was outstretched in front of her body.

Zara smirked and shot open her eyes as the troopers left their post, marching down the hall past her. With the weapons contained and the troopers gone, Zara focused her attention on unlocking the control panel. She slid the Force into the gears of the panel, and tried a series of combinations until the lock was broken.

The blast doors shot open to reveal a dark room, and light began to flood into the doorway. From her position, she moved her head to follow the red lights that flickered on one by one, encircling the raised platform. Up the steps, held an interrogation chair containing the one and only, Seth Gordon.

Seth had been lying on the chair for quite some time, and was still processing the past events from earlier today. Being captured by the First Order, chased through the streets and then interrogated by the famous Sith Emperor was surprising to any rebel. Not to mention he was still in one piece even though he was going to be killed soon.

He decided to accept death now, it was his only option. The Emerald Phoenix's plans to find Gar was revealed to the enemy and he was at fault for the intel being discovered. He was weak minded, and despite his strong will, he lost to the Emperor's Force abilities. At least his sister and the Captain would be safe, and would hopefully move on with their lives once finding out he was dead.

He sighed and slammed his head against the headboard of the chair, enjoying the pain that shot up his skull, it would keep him sane until it was time to be killed. The First Order was ruthless, meaning his death would be more painful than a 15 foot fall or smashing his head against durasteel.

Seth closed his eyes, breathing heavily and waiting for his doom. It would be only a matter of time before his death, he had to enjoy the few moments he had left. He felt his hands clench up, forming into fists. His emotions were everywhere, the feeling of sadness swelled in his heart while his head was filled with hatred towards the First Order.

Suddenly, the blast doors recessed into the wall, allowing the intruder to enter his cell. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting his last memory to be the helmet of a buckethead. The lights flicked on around him, and poured its red glow unto his face, leaving Seth to feel like he was on display for his enemy to see.

Zara gulped nervously as the blast doors closed, leaving her covered in the blackness of the room. She remembered the hood and cloak clutching her body and was aware that she had to take off her only protection from the outside world. She shuffled around for a moment, placing one of the blasters into her holster while the other was gripped in her hand and she dropped the hood. Then she unclipped the cloak, letting it fall down to the floor from her body.

She stared up at the rebel and noticed the red lights on his face revealed that his eyes were shut. Zara smiled, beginning to speak to get the boy's attention.

"So your the dumbass who got himself captured by the First Order," Zara called, her confidence rising. She was fully in control of her mission, and could say whatever she wanted to this rebel without worrying about her father's disapproval.

Seth jumped forward, being mindful of his restraints. His eyes were now open and he lifted his head up to see a person concealed in the darkness standing before him. Facing his fears, he began to speak.

"Who are you?" Seth croaked, his throat in desire need for water. After all the rough handling, he needed a refreshment.

Zara smirked, convincing this rebel would be easy. "Catch," she said, pretending to toss the blaster in her hand.

Seth flinched back as he watched the person's hand begin to move forward as if throwing something. He lifted his eyebrows up in confusion when nothing was thrown to him. Instead, Seth was more intrigued on finding out the identity of the voice and using his context clues, he focused on the pitch of the voice, a girl. He smirked wildly, sitting up straighter and continued to raise an eyebrow, pondering the next moves made by the girl.

Zara chuckled when the rebel raised his eyebrow, she found it quite amusing to mess with the weak minded. "I'm kidding, I forgot your restrained," Zara said, calling upon the Force.

She let the Force surround her body and make its way towards the chair. Planting itself inside the metal cuffs around the boys wrists, waist and legs, unlocking the restraints. The durasteel cuffs squeaked loudly as they popped open, freeing the rebel from the chair.

Seth blinked and looked down at his limbs which were now free. He glanced at the restraints and then to the mysterious girl with her hand pointed towards him. He climbed out of the chair, stretching his aching limbs and groaning from his sore muscles.

Seth's smirk faded as he noticed the girl's face was covered by the cloak of darkness, concealing her features. He eyed her suspiciously, cautious on his next move. She did allow him his freedom, but it might have come at a price. She seemed to know his situation and all the events taken place in the market unless she wouldn't have followed him to Himma Base. He began to walk down from the platform, wanting to get somewhere other than the elevated floor. As he walked down the stairs, he watched as the girl stepped up one stair, and looked up.

Zara found the silence between them become very awkward especially with a rebel she was meant to befriend. Introductions and talking to others was rare for Zara, she usually stayed to herself in her quarters. However, wanting to please her father, she could not fail her mission. Even if she had to explore out of her comfort zones, failure was not an option. Zara watched as the boy stepped down from the platform and she moved her feet to meet him in the middle of the stairs.

As Sith and rebel stared at each other, Zara leaned closer to the boy, reaching out to him, holding the blaster in the palm of her hand.

"I'm Zara," She said flatly, waiting for the boy to respond.

Author's Note

Hey everyone,

I have not been active on Wattpad recently and I wanted to give a quick update.

Thanks for reading and if you happen to stumble along this story, give it a vote or a comment, it would really make my day :)

May the Force be with you

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