Amongst the Flowers Part 2

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134 ABY

38 ABO

"Lady Gray!" Emperor Abbadon yelled, his voice rising in his daughter's ears. Zara was
mindlessly wandering to his side on the bridge.

The buzzing room was filled with Officers hovering over navacomputers, each blinking with
different colored lights. They were lined against the surrounding walls, and a light gray trim
framed the massive windows leading out into the open air of Republic City. The middle of the
bridge was open, a large round table sitting in the center, the surface filling with massive
holographic images of the Outer Rim maps. Each planet glowed bright blue while the red dotted
line continued to the green hued planet of Edenia. The mixture of colorful holograms hung in
mid-air, contrasting the tinted windows that made the room darker.

As a child, Zara had questioned her father about the dark contrast in the bridge, terrified of the
monsters that loomed in the dark corners, camouflaging into the shadows. Although, the
questions always went unanswered, Zara assumed it was because the sunlight was horrible for
her father's skin.

Realizing she left her father's scolding unanswered, she looked up at her father quickly and
spoke, "I apologize my Emperor," Zara shuddered, his presence bringing a chillness to the air
around her.

"Yes, I expect your consciousness to be in this moment, not in your mind," Emperor Abbadon
said, turning his attention to the tinted windows, and crossing his arms behind his back.
Zara seemed distracted lately and her actions in the gardens were different than her normal
behavior. Just moments ago, she walked into the bridge looking completely dazed, the Emperor
could tell based on her presence even though the black hood concealed Zara's eyes. Emperor
Abbadon closed his eyes, concentrating on The Force around him. A strong pull could be sensed
from beside him, Zara. The presence, it was consumed with fear and embarrassment. Emperor
Abbadon smiled, Zara was learning to behave in her new rank. She could not simply walk
around the base, being distracted from past moments. The Sith way would not allow it, he would not allow it.

Let the past die. It was a simple, yet difficult lesson. By forgetting the past, a Sith could concentrate on the future. But Zara was clearly having a difficult time with the task of forgetting. Emperor Abbadon opened his eyes and glanced down at his daughter. Zara stood stiffly next to him, occasionally staring around the room, admiring her father's Empire. Emperor Abbadon nodded his head, amused of his daughter admiration towards him. She was oblivious to the evil lurking around every inch of Himma Base and the First Order itself.

Emperor Abbadon lowered his head, checking his comlink located on his right wrist, the troopers were late. The Emperor pursed his lips, growing angry of the tardiness and lack of control on the base. As the Emperor of the First Order, he strived to do better and that began with controlling the stormtroopers.

Zara sighed, and looked around the large bridge. Officer's in various uniforms, and all different
ranks, sat in power chairs and others stood, leaning over the holograms and navacomputers. The Officers body languages felt afraid. Zara automatically assumed having the Emperor watching their every move with his one eye frightened them, making their bodies stiff and tense. Zara had to admit that she too, acted this way around the Emperor even though he was just her father. Something about him though, the thought of his dark presence and killing millions of rebellions, sent a rod down her spine, spreading goosebumps crawling across her skin. Zara had never felt her own presence before, though she hoped it sent chills down her enemies.

"My Emperor," Admiral Sachr sneered, standing behind Zara and Emperor, waiting for them to
turn around.

Zara jumped slightly and turned on her heel to come face to face with the frail Admiral. His
scalp was lined with fragments of gray hair and wrinkles ran down his skinny arms, each bone
sticking out in a sickening appearance. The required dun colored uniform hung on his thin body
and his two arms were crossed behind his back. As the Emperor turned around angrily, Admiral
Sachr nodded and bowed his head in respect, paying little attention to Zara.

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