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"It was like this when we found it, I swear," Andrew insisted as he held his hands up in the air, his eyes trained on Charles and Erik who were staring wide eyed at the twins who were standing in the middle of Hank's very messy lab

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"It was like this when we found it, I swear," Andrew insisted as he held his hands up in the air, his eyes trained on Charles and Erik who were staring wide eyed at the twins who were standing in the middle of Hank's very messy lab.

"We came to find Hank and there was a note saying that he went ahead to the base and to bring a crate labeled 'X' so we decide to try and find it. We weren't expecting the place to be already trashed when we came in," Jennifer explained as she held her hands up in the air as well.

Charles was about to read their minds and see if what they said was true, but Erik believed them without a beat of hesitation and said, "So Hank's gone?"

The twins nodded and Jennifer nervously bit her lip. "You think he's okay? He doesn't seem like one to make such a mess," she whispered as her and Andrew looked to Erik for answers.

The man let out a small sigh and went to respond, but got cut off by Alex, Raven, Sean, and Moira walking up behind them. "What the hell happened here?" Alex asked, his eyebrows furrowing together as he looked around at the mess.

"We didn't do it!" Jennifer and Andrew exclaimed instantly making the adults look to them in amusement. "I never said you did," Alex told them with a small chuckle.

"Over here," Charles said causing everyone to turn and see that while they had been talking, the man had made his way across the room and over to a giant metal box labeled X.

Everyone quickly hurried over and Charles lifted the lid up to reveal a row of yellow and black suits that had been folded up within the trunk. The twins' eyes widened and they whispered out, "Woah." "Hank has been busy," Erik commented.

Alex frowned and muttered, "Do we really have to wear these?" "As none of us mutated to endure extreme g-force or being riddled by bullets, I suggest we suit up," Charles replied making Alex's frown grow more.

Andrew caught sight of two smaller suits and smiled before grabbing them, assuming that they belonged to him and Jennifer. He quickly tossed the smallest one at his sister since she was smaller than him. "Here, Jen. This one's yours!" Andrew exclaimed.

Jennifer's eyes lit up and she hugged the outfit close to her body. She looked up to Charles and Erik excitedly before saying, "Andrew and I are going to go change. We'll be back down in a minute and then we can go meet up with Hank!"

And before anyone could break it to the twins that they wouldn't be coming along, Andrew was grabbing onto his sister's hand and the two were running out of the room together to go get changed.

- - -

"What do you mean we aren't going?" Andrew asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he looked to the man who was bent down before them. Charles let out a small sigh as he looked between Andrew, who looked confused and angry, and Jennifer, who looked like she couldn't comprehend what he was saying.

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