Chapter 15

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Home Sweet Home
Airi POV
It's now been 3 days and I'm excited because we get to bring the girls home Yay. We didn't get a chance to have our baby shower yet since the girls came earlier than expected so our parents each bought the girls a doona stroller with built in car seat to take them home in.

 We didn't get a chance to have our baby shower yet since the girls came earlier than expected so our parents each bought the girls a doona stroller with built in car seat to take them home in

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After Dr. James came in to check on us and fill out birth certificates and take pictures she handed us our discharge papers and we was ready to go. I was in a wheelchair while our moms pushed the girls and Tray had the bags as we walked to the elevator. Once downstairs Tray went and got the car and my mom waited with me because Tray mom and dad rode together. After Tray pulled up he put Aria on side of the car and I got in the middle then he put in Tatiana on the other side and my mom got in front. Everything was packed up I had the baby bag in my lap just in case the girls get hungry on the way home.

At Home
We made it safe and sound Tray pulled into the driveway and took one of the twins out so I could get out while my mom helped with the bags once the twins was out the car, we all walked in and went straight up to their room. It felt good to be home with my man, mom, and my 2 beautiful daughters I'm so blessed.

2 Weeks Later
Tray POV
Airi has been adjusting to motherhood very well, she just adores our girls. I know she rather spend all her time with them but she also needs to get out the house for a hour or 2. It's perfect because the girls just got their shots and I already set it up with our moms to watch them and I planned it out.

(Walks in the room)

Tray: Baby

Airi: Hey Babe, what's up

Tray: Nothing I was just wondering how would you like to go out tonight

Airi: Um that would be nice but what about the girls

Tray: Don't worry I already got that taken care of

Airi: Huh how

Tray: Just trust me
(Pulls out phone and starts talking)

Airi: What's Up with that really right in my face 🤦🏽‍♀️

Tray: Babe it's not even like that just go get ready I have a surprise for you

Airi: Oh it better not be or you won't see tomorrow On God

Tray: Ok I hear you loud and clear but just chill

Airi: Yeah whatever
(Walks away)

Damn I was just talking to the receptionist at the restaurant to confirm our reservation I see she still easily emotional but that's gonna change tonight now let me hit up our moms about tonight. Everything is a go now let me go get myself ready and check on Airi.

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