Chapter 17

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Officer Mike POV
After trying to get 2 hours of sleep which I'd failed at I just started going over all the evidence we had so far building up on James, I managed to find out where he lived and also other properties he had in his name but also doing so I had put unrecognizable guys there to help watch his every move. I didn't call Airi or Tray back just yet because I felt like they are in a vulnerable place and situation they just had their girls a few weeks ago and without a clear mind they would do or say something that wound hinder us from finding their family alive and well. So far everything was going good.

Mid Day
Me and my team just got word that James was spotted at one of his properties close to the Billingsley house it was a house down the road from them but it had a home for sale sign out front, which cause nobody to suspect anybody was living there. I made sure we all was positive that the family was alright and we had eyes on James so we could know when to move in. We waited some time apparently James had left but I noticed he didn't close the house door all the way. We watched him as he started up his car and pulled out the driveway and drove down the street. We all was hiding in the bushes across from his place so he wouldn't see us. Next thing I knew my phone was vibrating, I pulled it out and low and behold it was James calling, I wonder what he wants so I take it out and proceed to answer it.


James: Hey Bro What's Up

Mike:Nothing much just getting ready for shift in a few why what's going on

James: Oh ok I just left to head to there as well do you need me to pick you up on the way

Mike: Nah I'm good I got to handle some things as well before coming in

James: Oh ok well maybe we can hang after work later

Mike: Yeah that would be good just hit my line later

James: Alright Bro see you soon


I hung up and me and my team went towards the house with our guns drawn just in case there are other people inside. Some of us went around back and stood ground basically we had the whole surrounded from the outside. I slowly walked in the front door checking around moving from room to room. Then I heard noises coming from the basement. My and my men went downstairs slowly with caution, we followed the sounds until we got to this room that had so many locks on it I called out and a woman answered back.

Mike:Hello Who's in there

Unknown woman: My name is Janay I'm with my granddaughters and Ms Julia but she is hurt pretty badly

Mike: Are you ok as well

Janay: I'm hanging in there I just want us to get out of here and see my daughter and son

Mike: Ok Ma'am just sit tight we are working on it

Janay: Ok Officer

After what seemed like forever we managed to pry open the door and have them escorted out to the front. I called Tray to tell him the news.

Mike: Hello Tray

Tray:Hello Officer Mike, What's Up

Mike: I have some good and bad news

Tray: Ok let me have it

Mike: Well we got your family the babies seem to be fine but y'all moms have been beaten up badly so we are taking them to the hospital, can y'all meet us there

Tray: Wow ok sure

After talking to Tray me and my team headed to the station to ask James some questions and the moms and babies were off to the hospital.

Tray POV
I got off the phone with Officer Mike and went to tell Airi the news when I saw her she was sleeping on the couch in the living room so I gently tap her and she does the cutest little yawn and she sits up and says "what do you want" then I told her she jumped up with the quickness and ran to our room and fixed herself up in 5mins tops grabbed her things and was out the door, I told her to wait for me and locked the door behind me as I headed to the car.

At the Hospital
We got to the hospital in 10mins flat, Thank God there was little to no traffic. We got a parking spot close to the ER entrance and went inside to the nurse's station and ask what room our moms and girls were in. Once we knew we headed to them. Before going in a doctor stopped us and told us the severity of their wounds and that my mom would have to stay for a few weeks because her ribs were fractured, and Ms Janay suffered a broken leg and a few bruises to the face she would stay a few days, after that we was allowed to go in and see our moms. Airi walked in first and went to hug her mom and I went to hug mines. It was great to see their faces but sad they had to endure such pain. Eventually we left them to get some rest while we went upstairs to the nursery because we were told our girl suffered from a slight case of Dehydration and had a fever and they also will be kept for a few days as well. We ended up spending the night with them, it was a long day at first not knowing anything to seeing them like this wasn't good but to have them in our presence again is truly amazing because the worst could of happened and we would have been a nervous wreck.

The Next Day

Airi POV
I was upstairs in the nursery watching the girls sleep and a nurse came in and told me that they are doing well and they get to go home tomorrow which is Wednesday all I could do was smile. That's right my girls are some fighters just like their parents. After that she left and I called Tray on the phone and told him the great news, he was screaming hella loud I think if it was on speaker he would of woke the whole floor, he also said that my mom is up walking a little which is good to help her regain strength in her leg. Ms. Julia is resting and still in a lot of pain even with medicine in her system. After talking to Tray, I just sat in the chair admiring our beautiful girls until Tray wanted to come see them. Later on we decided to go home and get some rest we told them we'd be back in the morning.

When we got home I immediately went and ran me a bath I asked Tray if he wanted to join me he said yeah because I really didn't wanna be alone right now  after what went down. The water was just right not to hot or cold, Tray helped me in and wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest he still smelled good from this morning, then he turned me around to look in his beautiful brown eyes and said "everything is gonna be alright" then kissed me passionately. Omg he was starting to turn me on next thing you I was straddling him and I whispered in his ear " we never had sex in the tub before" and he looks at me you wanna try now and also because you was pregnant and I just laugh and say you right. He starts kissing my neck ooh that was my sweet spot it just makes me weak to the knees. Then he moves down kissing every spot and rubbing his warm hands over my body before I knew the rest was history. After 45mins of having tub sex we got up and wash each other up and dry off  and went to our room to get dress, I put on some boy shorts and a cami while Tray put on some shorts. We got on the bed and I got on top of him and said that was fun we need to do that more often, he just laughed I'll take that as a yes then, he pulled me down to lay on his chest and kissed my forehead eventually we fell asleep just like that.

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