Chapter 1- Britannia & the Clover Kingdom

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All was well in the capital of Liones. Now that Meliodas, Captain of the strongest Holy Knight order ever and newly made Demon King, had finally vanquished the tyranny of his father, the previous Demon King, he could now rest knowing he had done his duty for the world.

Much had happened since fighting his father the second time. During the battle, Elizabeth managed to unlock her Supreme Deity powers and inheritance, providing a balance for the world against the Demon King's power which previously tipped everything into chaos. Due to this, Meliodas could now stay with all who he loved, including the one who changed his life forever, Elizabeth Liones, or more accurately the 107th reincarnation of the Supreme Deity's daughter the Goddess Elizabeth.

Not only could he cherish the victory for peace. All the other Seven Deadly Sins had much to be joyous about.

Ban finally brought Elaine back to life, allowing him to keep the promise of 'stealing her someday'. Whilst many believed he traded his Fountain of Youth power in order to revive her from death, it turns out it was still within him, and merely needed time to be fully revitalised. The discovery of Ban's immortality returning was made one day when Meliodas punched through his gut by accident while out for drinks (long story...).

King and Diane managed to make up for wasted centuries. The Fairy King finally had the courage to propose to his lover for marriage, and so become one with a grand wedding ceremony with everyone attending. They've gone on many dates, savoured quality time together reminiscing the past, and even enjoyed engaging in 'pleasures of the flesh' as Gowther would put it, though they wouldn't exactly feel comfortable talking about it with everyone else.

Escanor also appeared to be fine. Despite being on death's door for a while, once Mael returned to give 'Sunshine' back to who he described as 'the rightful owner', Escanor managed to return to his constant swap from large and prideful by day, to small and timid by night. Even though he won't fully admit it, he did miss possessing the Grace. He still hadn't confessed his love for Merlin though, but the great mage herself was actually showing to be more caring towards him, displaying even more concern than she did for someone like Meliodas.

Everyone was truly happy. It had been a peaceful month for everyone since the Demon King's defeat, and no one seemed to complain about the inaction. Little did they know their work was far from over just yet.


"Alright everyone! Behold my masterpiece!" Meliodas announced, holding a plate full of brownies for everyone to behold.

"After many months of practice, I've finally perfected my ultra-special Demon-droppings choco bites! Let's dig in, I made it for a special occasion!"

Everyone who was around him, Elizabeth, Ban, Diane shrunk down, King, Gowther, Merlin, Escanor and Hawk, who all stood in the middle of the Boar Hat tavern, tried their best to put on brave faces, yet failed and ended with obviously fake smiles.

"Uh Capn,.. don't ya think 'Demon-droppings' is something you shouldn't add in the name...?" Ban hastily asked.

"Whatcha mean? These things are filled to be brim with genuine Purgatory beast droppings, which are actually high in protein and vitamins based around their diets!"

Everyone now sweat dropped even more at the Dragon Sin of Wrath's reasoning, wondering how and why they ever considered following under the command of this midget blond man again.

"Alright! Let's dig-!"

Before he could finish, the front door slammed wide open, revealing Gilthunder panting heavily with lots of drops of sweat dripping coating his face.

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