Chapter 3- Meliodas vs Yuno

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The Seven Deadly Sins focused back on Noelle, surrounding her once again as she brought her wand up. Diane, Ban, King, Gowther, Merlin and Escanor covered all sides with their Sacred Treasures at the ready and focused glares. While the young girl appeared completely calm and confident, she knew in reality how overmatched she was.

"Give it up missy, don't really wanna have to kill you...?" Ban lazily warned.

"Ban, don't say something as mean as that!" Diane shouted, smashing him into he ground and creating a huge blood stain across the dirt. Noelle became disgusted and shocked by the action, trying her best not to vomit at the grotesque scene of a man smashed to pieces.

"Why would you do that?!" He was your ally!" Noelle criticised in disbelief they would kill off an ally so mercilessly just like that.

"Give it a sec..." King responded.

Diane then brought her fist up from the ground. A moment later, Ban's broken and bloody body had smoke emanating off of it, as all of his injuries healed within seconds and his whole figure reverted back to the way it was, along with some new tears in his jacket and trousers. Besides his clothes, Ban looked like how he did before being smashed, without any injury but the scar down his neck that was always present on his body.

"W-What the hell is that?! Is that some kind of healing magic?!" Noelle yelled in disbelief.

"No, it's just that he's immortal." Diane explained.

"Oh, okay then... WAIT WHAT?! There's no way for a person to have immortality! That's not possible for anyone in this time! Next thing you'll tell me is that that man over there is an actual Fairy and that that large girl is a giant! It's just not at all possible!!!"

At the rants of the youngest of the Silva Household, everyone gained deadpanned stares towards her. In their opinion, it seemed the people of this land were a bit too underdeveloped for their taste as to what is or was possible, since they've fought with literal Demons and Gods in the past. After everything they've experienced, nothing no longer surprised them.

"Alright miss always-so-tight, how about you just surrender, and we can continue on what we were doing so that we could find out why we were sent here..." Ban suggested with a bored expression.

"No way! It's my duty as royalty, and as a Magic Knight that you never-Wait! Did you say you don't even know why you're fully here yourself?"

When noticing what the Fox Sin of Greed said, she changed from constant ranting to now looking confused as to what purpose they even had to secretly invade the Clover Kingdom.

"You see, the truth is we were sent by our king to help out this land because apparently a great danger was soon to threaten the peace. As Holy Knights, we couldn't stand by and let that happen..." Diane explained.

Noelle became wide-eyed at the revelation that was just presented to her so suddenly. The supposed invaders didn't hope to bring harm to the kingdom, but instead came to prevent disaster upon it. While she wasn't sure she could trust them fully, she felt the sincerity in the Serpent Sin's words, but was still sceptical and stayed on guard against all six of them.

"If that's the truth, then why come so secretly? It makes no sense if you wish to help us!" She demanded, preparing to summon another spell with her Grimoire by her side.

"Well it's not exactly like we could've told you that we suddenly existed and wanted to help, that would be way too weird of an introduction for us..." Gowther defended.

"Never mind! I'm not sure if I can trust you, so you'll just have to prove yourselves!" She shouted, summoning a long stream of pressurised water from her wand and controlling it to take shape.

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